Here are the rules to this little bit of fun!
1. The winner can put the logo on her blog.
2. Link the person you received your award from.
3. Nominate at least 5 other blogs.
4. Put links of those blogs on yours.
5. Leave a message on the blogs of those you’ve nominated.
And the nominees are........
1. Nanette at Freda's Hive~ I've known Nanette for some time now and I just love her work and she's the one that inspired me to start a quilting blog. Thanks Nanette! Nanette has so many favorites of mine how can I pick just one but here's a recent favorite, I'm sure you'll agree.
2. Joanne at Applique Today~ She loves to applique and has some awesome projects. You will love her bright and happy colors. Here's one of my recent favorites.
3. TLC Stitches~ I don't know her first name but she does beautiful work and she knits too! This is one of my favorite posts about her "First, Worst, and Best" quilts she's made. Love it!
4. Patty at Sew Easily Distracted- Patty doesn't know me but I just love her blog. She's part of the Dear Jane Group that Anina the master and leader of our group. Her lollipop blocks are to die for and I can hardly wait to see it all put together. Here's one of my favorites.
5. Anina at Dear Baby Jane~ I just have to give a huge pat on the back to Anina. She is the master and leader of our Dear Baby Jane Group. She does a remarkable job keeping us all motivated and inspired. Her instructions and blocks are awesome! Check it out. Even if you don't join in the fun it's amazing to witness the process of making all of these wonderful blocks originally made by Jane Stickle in 1863.
My other most favorite sites that have already been given this award are Anna at Thimbleanna and Jo-Anne at The Carter Clan. You Go Girls!!!
Wow thanks Kim!
Congratulations on your award, it is a trully great blog, thankyou for sharing
Take care
How sweet. Thank you so much Kim. What a nice things to say about me! And I love YOUR blog!
Congratulations on your Blog...Found it and added to my fav's, it's back to school for my teen around here also, and my 2 college kids started last week, WEW what a week! Happy Quilting and Love your Banner on top of Blog...Hugs, Mary
Congratulations Miss Kim! You're VERY deserving -- I love coming by to see what you're up to. And isn't it funny how much time we spend on the computer now? Well, maybe not funny -- we should be quilting LOL!
I love your blog! Fun things to read.. thanks for sharing!
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