Here's a picture of how our trip went! Pretty visual don't you think? She wore the barf bag around her neck most of the time we were in the car. Funny! I just had to get a picture!
It wasn't all a waste, just keep reading. During Spring Break we went south to Las Vegas, St. George, and Zion's National Park. We came home early since Kenna spent most of the time feeling car sick and when she wasn't feeling car sick she was feeling nauseous because she was always hungry.
We enjoyed the two shows we saw in Vegas but missed seeing Zion's National Park because we were tired of all the complaints and I'd been fighting a cold too. If you didn't know, McKenna has "GAD" which is Generalized Anxiety Disorder and sometimes it makes life more than difficult. She was conflicted the whole time and enjoyed things one minute and wanted to go home the next.

On our way to Zion's we stopped in St. George so my husband and son could get in some golfing while Kenna and I went shopping. I managed to visit one quilt shop called Lazy Daisy Cottage.

It was a cute shop and I was able to pick up some more Civil War Fabric by Marcus Brothers Textile Inc. The line of fabric is called "Charleston IV 1850-1865 from the collection of Judy Rothermel." They didn't have a big collection of Civil War Prints but I did pick up nine more to add to my stash.

I just couldn't resist the cute doll and the crocheted hat for my new grand daughter. Kora Belle is going to be 8 weeks old on Monday.
After golfing and shopping we drove an hour or so to Springdale which is located near the entrance to Zion's park. We had a nice dinner but things weren't looking good as far as seeing the park the next day. My husband was ready to drive home that night and it was late. I convinced him to let us sleep on it and see how Kenna was doing in the morning and sure enough she was ready to go home. So we packed it up and left. We had breakfast in Cedar City at IHOP and made it home before 2pm.
There's NO place like HOME!