I've wanted to make this quilt for some time now and when I saw that my friend, Nanette had signed up to make it I thought I would check into it as well. I was worried that it may be too late but, come to find out I was only 3 or 4 blocks behind and I knew that I could do it so, I signed up to make the Dear Jane Quilt on March 13th, 2008. I'm just now catching up and as of today the group has made 11 blocks and I've completed 8 of the 11 and have the 3 remaining blocks prepped and ready to applique. I should be caught up by tomorrow. I've also included pictures of the blocks I've made so far.
I chose to use Civil War prints since I have quite a few and that way I won't have to buy very much. Just some colors to fill in the blanks. So far I've found that I need more red, browns, and yellows. Also, I'm making it easy on myself and just keeping the color of each block as true to the original as possible. It won't look exactly the same but pretty close. I've really enjoyed expanding my techniques and using my experience to make these blocks. Don't get me wrong, I still make mistakes, like on K-7 Rose of Sharing. I'm in the process of remaking it. Can anyone figure out why? There is a reason and I'll tell you if I don't get any responses. LOL!
B-13 Four Corner Press

D-13 Field of Dreams

A-7 Dad's Plaid

A-6 Uncle Homer

B-3 Mirror Image

B-4 Chris's Soccer Field

M-10 Simple Simon

K-7 Rose of Sharing
Your blocks are lovely. I can see your problem with K-7, but it's very pretty and I wouldn't mess with it. I actually think it looks better than Jane's.
Wow Kim, great great job. I wish mine looked as good as you. You are a very very good technical seamstress. I envy that. My paper pieced block did not get done. I dummied it down. Oh well.
donde estan los tutoriales de estos bloques ,me lo pdrias cecir gracias hata pronto
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