Saturday, May 31, 2008
Face Lift
Just a little face lift thanks to the cutest blogs on the block. I've wanted to do something fun for a long time so this is it for now until I figure out how to do my very own quilt background. I love the bright colors and they kinda go with my header. Hope you like it!
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Omigosh Quilt
I think the title of this quilt may be a bit understated! Especially after cutting out all of the fabric at one time. But, I'm up for the newest challenge and it's been fun working on "Omigosh." My quilt group started this quilt at the beginning of this year and I wanted to start it then but I had too much on my plate at the time with work, kids, & homework, etc.
Because of my unexpected surgery I'm also a bit behind on "Dear Jane" but I haven't given up. I just need to get school behind me and I have a graduate graduating from High School on Friday. After that I'm ready to put the pedal to the metal and accomplish something this summer!
Unfinished the block measures just 5"x 5" and when it's sewn into the quilt it will finish at 4.5 inches. It's so darn CUTE! I can hardly stand it! It just makes me giddy to look at and it makes me that much more motivated to keep sewing and watch it all come together into a quilt. I've finished the double nine-patch block but I haven't taken pictures of it quite yet but I will post those pictures tomorrow if I get a minute.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
My Personal Miracle!
Here's a picture of some of the things that have helped me feel better:
1. Pink Plant- that my children brought to the hospital after my surgery.
2. Kangaroo with Love Note from Kenna along with her picture and a blankie to use.
3. Eye Mask and Ear Plugs that saved my sanity. I was in the pediatric ward with crying children on both sides of my room.
4. The current book I'm reading. It helped with the quiet times. I could've stayed an extra day or two. Insurance companies should really make that an option!
5. Medication: that has helped me deal with the pain but the percocet just made me feel sicker so I stopped taking it!
6. Another beautiful plant, card, and book from my dear friends.
7. Thanks to my friends and neighbors who have brought dinner for my family!!! That's one of the biggest blessings!
8. Thanks to my Brother-in-law, Eddie, who took care of not only his own kids (my sister was at a retreat) but took care of Kenna too, on Saturday while I rested and to Cindy for picking up Kenna from school on Thursday and then letting her play!
The surgery took longer than expected and from what the doctors told me afterwards I consider the outcome a definite MIRACLE! I had three ovarian cysts not one cyst like they originally saw in the ultrasound and I had a severe case of endometriosis (that I never knew I had)that was attached to my uterus, ureter and bowel. They took out my baby parts, the 3 cysts, and cleaned out the endometriosis.
I was given a blessing by my husband Mark the night before and I know it's because of his worthiness, our faith, and the faith and prayers of many friends and family members that I made it through with no complications. I ran into one of the doctors as I was leaving the hospital and he told me that they came really close to opening me up a couple of times and that they were considering a temporary colostomy.
I'm happy to report that as of today all of my bodily functions are working and I passed the dye (IVP) test on friday to show that my ureter or bladder hadn't been compromised. I'm feeling really great today (besides the terrible pain associated with your body starting to work again) and I even made it to Ariel's Seminary Graduation for a short time! Now, I need to take it easy for the rest of the night and the next two weeks so I can go to her High School Graduation!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Out of Commission
If this delayed post works, it's Thursday morning and I should be going into surgery at 9:30 a.m. but, you know how hospital schedules are, sometimes a big waiting game. Of course, I'll be fasting so I hope it doesn't get delayed too long. Nothing really to worry about just the routine female issues and I hope to be back in the loop sooner than later! I have to BE! We have High School Graduation on May 30th for our third child, Ariel!!
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Right Way

I made the quilt bright and happy to represent how when we make right choices in life we're happy and when we go against our conscience we're not happy. I know this to be a true principle and when we follow the Savior's example we can't go wrong. He will lead us in "The Right Way".

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day
5th Annual Home Machine Quilting Show

My friends and I went to the HMQS show at the South Towne Expo Center this past Thursday. We didn't have time to attend any of the classes but we were able to see the quilt show along with visiting the vendor market. We had fun buying a few civil war prints and shirtings for our "OMIGOSH" quilt and our "Dear Jane Quilts". We've been really busy cutting all the fabric we'll need for the Omigosh quilt. What a task doing it all at once but now we can get to it and start sewing. if you're interested you can purchase the "Omigosh" pattern by Quakertown Quilts for $9.99 at Village Dry Goods in Brigham City. I'm sure you can find it elsewhere too.
We were truly impressed by "The Supper" a quilt made by Dr. Donald E. Locke D.D.S. The pictures are copyrighted so I didn't upload them but you can click on the above title to go to his website and have a look. Of course, it's far more impressive in person. The quilt is made up of 51,816 squares of 1/2 inch cotton fabric. The quilt measures 183" x 67". I got to talk with him and asked him a few questions. I'm sure many of you would have asked this question, "How long did it take you to make the quilt?" He said, "Two and a half years". I really thought it would take longer with how small the squares were. I also asked what number quilt this was for him and he said it was his second quilt. WOW!!! He told me that he's on quilt number seven.
I took a picture of only one quilt because it caught my eye. It's a red, white, and blue version of Dear Jane made by a local quilter. Her name is Sue Baddley. I hope she doesn't mind my taking a picture of her quilt but it's wonderful and she did an awesome job.
Friday, May 2, 2008
SCISSORS . . . How Many Can One Quilter Have?
I should justify why I have so many scissors by telling you I keep them in several different places. For example, I keep a pair of scissors in my two handiwork bags that I take with me then I have a pair by my sewing machine, another pair on my cutting table and a pair where I make my cards and other crafts.
I admit that my hoarder tendencies surface when it comes to anything that has anything to do with sewing, quilting, stamping, and crafting of any kind. I love technology, tools, and gadgets . . . especially things that look fun, interesting and calls my name out loud!
I have to tell you a funny story as an example of my love of all things crafty! When we were moving to our current home from California I had marked all of my boxes "Kim's CRAFTS" and when some of the "MALE" neighbors were helping us move, it became the big joke that there were quite a few boxes marked "Kim's CRAP" Ha! Ha! Ha! They said they had mis-read the box but I think they couldn't believe that any one person could have that much "CRAP" LOL!
True Story! We still joke about it and I'd be afraid to move now since it's been nearly 10 years ago and I'd probably have to move it all myself or downsize! I'll let you know if I ever have to have a "CRAP SALE" LOL!
What kinds of things call out your name?
The things that you just can't live without!
Tell Me, I'd love to hear from you!
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