Here's a picture of some of the things that have helped me feel better:
1. Pink Plant- that my children brought to the hospital after my surgery.
2. Kangaroo with Love Note from Kenna along with her picture and a blankie to use.
3. Eye Mask and Ear Plugs that saved my sanity. I was in the pediatric ward with crying children on both sides of my room.
4. The current book I'm reading. It helped with the quiet times. I could've stayed an extra day or two. Insurance companies should really make that an option!
5. Medication: that has helped me deal with the pain but the percocet just made me feel sicker so I stopped taking it!
6. Another beautiful plant, card, and book from my dear friends.
7. Thanks to my friends and neighbors who have brought dinner for my family!!! That's one of the biggest blessings!
8. Thanks to my Brother-in-law, Eddie, who took care of not only his own kids (my sister was at a retreat) but took care of Kenna too, on Saturday while I rested and to Cindy for picking up Kenna from school on Thursday and then letting her play!
The surgery took longer than expected and from what the doctors told me afterwards I consider the outcome a definite MIRACLE! I had three ovarian cysts not one cyst like they originally saw in the ultrasound and I had a severe case of endometriosis (that I never knew I had)that was attached to my uterus, ureter and bowel. They took out my baby parts, the 3 cysts, and cleaned out the endometriosis.
I was given a blessing by my husband Mark the night before and I know it's because of his worthiness, our faith, and the faith and prayers of many friends and family members that I made it through with no complications. I ran into one of the doctors as I was leaving the hospital and he told me that they came really close to opening me up a couple of times and that they were considering a temporary colostomy.
I'm happy to report that as of today all of my bodily functions are working and I passed the dye (IVP) test on friday to show that my ureter or bladder hadn't been compromised. I'm feeling really great today (besides the terrible pain associated with your body starting to work again) and I even made it to Ariel's Seminary Graduation for a short time! Now, I need to take it easy for the rest of the night and the next two weeks so I can go to her High School Graduation!
I am so glad to hear all went well and you are on the mend.
I, too, am very grateful for the power of priesthood blessings.
It sounds like you have many wonderful people in your life. :)
Oh my gosh Kim. What a nightmare. I'm so sorry. It is a huge blessing you got through this without more complications and deeper surgery. I'm shocked really at how close you came. Rest, relax and continue to let those around you do things for you. Get better soon.
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