I should justify why I have so many scissors by telling you I keep them in several different places. For example, I keep a pair of scissors in my two handiwork bags that I take with me then I have a pair by my sewing machine, another pair on my cutting table and a pair where I make my cards and other crafts.
I admit that my hoarder tendencies surface when it comes to anything that has anything to do with sewing, quilting, stamping, and crafting of any kind. I love technology, tools, and gadgets . . . especially things that look fun, interesting and calls my name out loud!
I have to tell you a funny story as an example of my love of all things crafty! When we were moving to our current home from California I had marked all of my boxes "Kim's CRAFTS" and when some of the "MALE" neighbors were helping us move, it became the big joke that there were quite a few boxes marked "Kim's CRAP" Ha! Ha! Ha! They said they had mis-read the box but I think they couldn't believe that any one person could have that much "CRAP" LOL!
True Story! We still joke about it and I'd be afraid to move now since it's been nearly 10 years ago and I'd probably have to move it all myself or downsize! I'll let you know if I ever have to have a "CRAP SALE" LOL!
What kinds of things call out your name?
The things that you just can't live without!
Tell Me, I'd love to hear from you!
I can totally relate to your story.
We moved about 18 months ago from Utah to Arizona. I was so worried that the movers would think I was some kind of a weird-o pack rat that I packed all my fabric & craft supplies in bins, taped them shut myself and put secret coded labels on them. It's a little embarassing to admit this but there had to be close to 20 bins.
P.S. I also have a scissor collecting obsession. :)
Man, mom. That is a lot of scissors. Looks kinda creepy when you lay them all out like that, like a surgeon's table or something.
I love your scissors collection. Love it. I don't have half that many but I love to look at them in the stores. I got 2 pair for last Christmas - ginghers and they are my new favorites.
I probably have almost every size of omnigrid rulers they make and the off brands. I have a problem with that I think. I have to have all of them. And I have a fabric "problem" too. I'm sure my crap would rival your crap.
I love your saying "done is better than perfect" is my new favorite thing to say!
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