Thanks for all of the fun comments, I do love them so! I'm happy that many of you wanted the pattern for my table runner. So you'll find it attached at the bottom. I am kind of embarrassed though, to do it this way but, I couldn't get my scanner to scan the pattern into my new computer and my old old computer is the one that holds the file. I took pictures of each page and if that doesn't work for you just email me and I will try to mail you a hard copy. It's a big file so you should be able to click on the picture and read it. Let me know if you have any trouble. If you're interested I can do a tutorial but just so you know I work full time and it would take me a week or two to get to it. Thanks for your understanding!
BTW~I was very happy to attend the JDRF auction Saturday night and see that my Halloween Table Runner sold for $90 not bad for something similar in size to a small baby quilt. One of the baby quilts there sold for about the same price. There was also a handmade quilted purse that sold for $145 (crazy but cool) it was really cute and it had a bidding war going on between a few ladies that wanted it bad! It's really nice when something you make can fetch a really nice donation for a worthy cause.
Here are pictures of the seven table runners I could find. I've had them stored for a few years so please forgive any fold lines. I threw them in the dryer for a few minutes to flatten them a bit.

From left to right are St. Patrick's Day, Valentine's Day, Patriotic, Halloween, Christmas, & Fall.

Closer View

Another Closer View

Seven Strips sewn in a 123 Center 123 pattern:
Red hearts-Cream-Red Plaid-Green w/Hearts-Red Hearts-Cream-Red Plaid

Seven Strips sewn in a 123 Center 321 Mirror Pattern:
Dk Green-Lt. Green-Dk. Green-Shamrocks-Dk. Green-Lt. Green-Dk. Green

Seven Strips sewn in a 123 Center 123 Pattern:

Seven Strips sewn in a 123 Center 123 Pattern:

Seven Strips sewn in a
123 Center 123 Pattern:Red-Cream-Green-Christmas Print-Red-Cream-Green

Seven Strips sewn in a 123 Center 123 Pattern with a Variation:

Seven Strips sewn in a Mirror Image Pattern:
Orange-Light-Black-Center Orange-Black-Light-Orange

Close-up of the machine stitching.
I varied the thread color just for fun.

I used blue and red thread on this one.

I used orange and black thread on this one.
Below are the 3 pattern pages. If you have any questions just let me know. Thanks!

This is a class pattern I made for my classes and it's pretty old so therefore the email address is incorrect but the other information is right so now you know where I live.