It's been 16 years ago today that my mother Dorothy Mary Repia McKenzie Buss passed away. She valiantly fought breast cancer and bone cancer for 22 years. She was in an out of remission during that time. She was an example and an inspiration to many around her. We all love her and miss her day to day influence, laughter, and love. We look forward to seeing her again someday.
I've included a few pictures of her so you can get a feel for her exuberance for life. She loved everyone and anyone. I remember the many times we would have strangers for dinner. She'd often bring someone over that she either met at the laundry mat when our washer and dryer was broken or just someone she met at the store that needed her help. My dad had a garden and before he could even pick a ripe tomato it was gone!! The peaches and raspberries were also given away before they could be canned and when they were canned she'd give jars away to neighbors and those in need.

Here's a picture of when she graduated from nursing school at the top of her class. She had lots of friends at the hospital and they all knew her and loved her and when she got sick they cried with her and took care of her when she was in the hospital. She had a smile on her face more often than not and she kept things to herself with the desire not to burden or worry anyone.

This is a picture taken the summer before I turned 20 years old. My daughter Ariel is turning 19 in a couple of months and I can hardly believe that all of that time has passed. It really does just seem like yesterday. I sure miss my mom and would love to have a visit with her. I know she would just love to play with all of her grandchildren and now great grandchildren. I try to be the best grandma I can be to the two grandchildren I have now. It's so much fun!!!

This is a picture taken when my parents were married in December of 1957. They were married in the Salt Lake City Temple. My mom had traveled from New Zealand to marry my father and hadn't been in America for very long. I'm sure she missed having her parents and sibling there with her. I know I would have missed having my mom there when I got married. I was the first one to be married in our family.

These pictures were taken on the same day of my brother-in-laws mother's funeral. She was buried in the same cemetery as my mom so after the graveside dedication some of us walked over to my mom's grave. It was wonderful to take that moment to reflect on her life and what she means to me. The girl's also shared some of the flowers from LaJoy's casket flowers. It was nice.

These are three of my sister's girls and my daughter kenna in the black, red, & white dress. My Dad is kneeling behind the girls.

My Dad and I.

Kenna was so worried about everyone's headstone being so messy, soooo, she went around cleaning off all of the headstone's and pausing to read them.

Here's a closer look at her cleaning the grave's.
Wow Kim, My mom's name was dorothy and she passed away from cancer 17 years ago this nov. 22, it seems like it was just yesterday and my dad passed last Feb. We never forget do we? jane
This is a lovely tribute to your parents. I did one too of mine. It was very heartwarming. I am in the Christmas Block Exchange with you, and I live in Ireland.
I loved your blog!
Oh Kim - your mum has the most beautiful smile - especially in the photo of you all when you were 20. And what a dear, dear girl your little Kenna is - she's obviously your mum's kindred spirit - taking care of those who need her help. I'm sad for you that your mum's not here now to share all your love and joy but admire your faith in looking forward to seeing her again one day.
Kenna is a doll. Your mom sounds like mine - sweet sweet women. I love the pic of her with her nurse hat on. Those were the good old days. I miss my mom too. She would love to see me express my talents. And you feel just like I do. Thanks for sharing that with us. You have a lovely eternal family Kim.
What a beautiful mom you have Kim. I love the nurse picture and the one of your parents as newlyweds. Isn't it amazing how quickly time passes? Thanks for sharing your beautiful family pictures.
This is a wonderful tribute to your mother. I am sorry she had to leave this life so early. She is so beautiful...her smile is contagious (you look a lot like her, by the way). I only hope my children will have kind things to say about me like the special words you expressed about your dear mother.
And that little Kenna~~She is a special, tender hearted little girl. I like to think that it's because she spent some time with her grandma before she came to earth! ;)
What a wonderful tribute to your mother. Please see my blog post tonight. Everyone needs to get checked!!!
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