Wednesday, February 25, 2009
I'm Running Away to Sew
It's been a little crazy at home getting everything ready to go and I'm sure I've forgotten something. But, Oh well!
Have a great rest of the week and I'll try to get some things posted this weekend. So check back!
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Bit of a TASK!!
After a 10 hour day sewing my back is killing me!!! I don't usually have that kind of time to sit and sew but, today I needed to work on finishing my task of making the bitty purses for a big event coming up.
I didn't quite finish all of them but I did make 64 of the 80 bitty purses along with the cute tags that are tied to the handles. I was really excited that the tags even coordinated and felt pretty lucky that I had paper to match.
Here's a few pictures of the tags. . .
I hope the pictures inspire you to make some bitty purses of your own. I plan on making more for Mother's Day and filling them with goodies and maybe even some earrings to give to the special Mother's in my life. I have quite a few women who have blessed my life!
Here are the purses grouped in their respective colors. In some of the pictures you will notice that the lining became the outside and the outside became the lining. The purses are actually reversible which is really fun. When the lining fabric was more plain I left it inside.
I'm still working on two groupings.
One Orange-Yellow and another Blue-Pink
Well, I've taken some Advil and I'm headed off to bed. I plan on sleeping in until 9am if I can.
Goodnight. . .and Sweet Dreams!!!
Please Note:
For those that missed the tutorial link in my 100th post here it is! I will also be posting it on my sidebar for those that may want to always know where it is. Check back soon. I think I'll be adding a few quick tips to Suzie's tutorial that I learned while making over 64 bags. Have fun making these fun little purses. Just so you know I've been talking with Suzie through email and it was fun to learn that she made up the mini purse. Isn't it sooooo cute? I just LOVE it and lots of other's have too! Bravo Suzie!!
Make sure to leave some COMMENT LOVE for SUZIE when you go by for a visit. Thanks!! Oh and BTW the bags are for a quilt retreat. Shhh! Don't tell anyone, it's kind of a surprise. I'm hoping that none of the ladies read my blog, yet! LOL!
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Dresden Plate Tutorial
Some of my friends and I are taking a Block of the Month Class at American Quilting and each year for the past 5 years Amy (the owner and resident designer) has designed and taught her Block of the Month Quilt. In past years we have done a Winter, Spring, Summer, and Fall Quilt and this year it's a Patriotic theme. The patterns for Amy's (past years) BOM Quilts can be purchased on her website "Under the Garden Moon" she also has more great patterns that she and her daughter have created. Make sure to check them out, you won't be sorry that you took the time to visit.
I'll keep you updated on our progress but, in the mean time I thought I'd get you all started with where to buy your ruler and a little tutorial to show you how to make the block. . . just in case you want to make a Dresden Plate Quilt along with us.
The ruler can be purchased from Connecting Threads or you can go into American Quilting and buy one if you live in or near Orem, Utah. The Dresden plate block as seen below was the BOM for January.
Tutorial for Making a Dresden Plate Block
Next, you'll want to decide on a background fabric and purchase what you might need. You will get four 10"x10" squares out of every 10 inch cut of fabric (a generous 1/4 yd. cut).
IMPORTANT: Make sure to leave long tails so they can be tucked under the seams in the back of the block. Continue sewing until you've sewn all 20 spokes together. Then sew the last seam to connect the wedges into a circle.
Please note: If you sew narrow (scant 1/4") seams you will end up with a bigger Dresden Plate. If you sew larger (fat 1/4") seams you will end up with a much smaller Dresden Plate. Which ever way you sew will determine how big of a center circle you will need to cover the opening and finish the block. Big or small be consistent!!
Friday, February 13, 2009
Hugs & Kisses
from Me to You!
I hope your day is filled with lots of LOVE & JOY!
And maybe a little sewing thrown in, too!
I thought I would post another of my favorite quilts. Each year when I take out my seasonal quilts it's like opening a present to myself. I fall in love each time and wish I could keep them out all year long. This particular quilt I made several years ago and when I remembered having it I went down to my closet and found it. That was yesterday! LOL! I'm kinda sad I was too busy and too sick to remember it, but now I'll keep it out until February's over.
I thought I would share some of the details on how to make it. If you have any questions just let me know. You can put it on your list of things to make for next Valentine's day. I also have another Valentine project I'll share with you tomorrow. It's a work in progress and I won't be able to finish it before tomorrow, but it's going to be really cute for next year.
Each block finishes at 6" x 6" with 2" sashings & 2" posts.
- four squares measuring 3 1/2" x 3 1/2" in red or pink.
- eight squares measuring 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" in Kona Cotton "Snow".
- 2 strips measuring 2 1/2" x 6 1/2" in red or pink.
- 2 squares measuring 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" in red or pink.
- 1 square measuring 2 1/2" x 2 1/2" in Kona Cotton Snow.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Do You Like it?
I took pictures of one of my favorite red and white quilts that I made for Valentine's Day and wouldn't you know it but one of the pictures just screamed out blog header!!! I've been looking for a new blog header since I changed my background. I just knew it would make a pretty backdrop for my blog header so I opened up Photoshop Elements and played around with it. I hope you like it as much as I do. I just love red, white, and black. In fact, those three colors leak over to my wardrobe as well!!! I like lots of other colors too but, they're my favorite!!!
Here's some of the other pictures I took of my quilt. The original quilt was called Ohio Star and was done in yellow and white. It's made up of hourglass blocks, a small square and a larger square. Really cute and pretty simple to make.
Here's a little information from the website:
The RoxanneTM Thimble is available in sixteen sizes (2.5 thru 10) assures each quilter of a uniquely personal and snug fit. Ring sizers are available if you are unable to have us personally fit you or if you don't have access to a jewelry store. They are $3.75 per set. Please read our Fitting instructions before ordering. Roxanne's Thimbles come in three models:
- Gold or Silver Plated bronze
- Polished Bronze - good for quilters with metal allergies
- Solid Sterling Silver - our heirloom model
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
All the goodies have been mailed and should be arriving in mailboxes soon!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Winners Are?
I wanted to share a few statistics with you before I announce the winners.
- I had over 454 comments.
- I had over 600 emails to read.
- I added over 45 new followers.
- The number of visitors on my site jumped from just under 10,000 to over 13,420.
- I had 1,280 entries from comments, bloggers who blogged about it, and friends that mentioned friends that blogged about it.
- I had quilters, knitters, scrapbookers, stampers, & crafters of every kind visit my blog.
- I had visitors from ALL over the World including USA, Australia, New Zealand, Samoa, Canada, Germany, Sweden, Hungary, Brazil, Argentina, Spain, Phillipines, and Holland, just to name a few.
- Congratulations came in a few different languages. Thanks to my husband who speaks & understands Spanish/Portugese for translating the many greetings sent from Spain, Brazil, & Argentina.
I used microsoft excel to build a table and filled in all the important information like, name, blog, email, comment point, blogged about it points, friends mentioned your name points, and then I tallied up the points and assigned a number or a range of numbers if you had multiple points.
This is an example:
1 to 5
6 to 42
48 to 59
62 to 113
114 to 140
143 and so on. . . and so on all the way to 1,280.
Let's hear the drum roll please. . .
The WINNERS of "The Spread the Love Giveaway"
are. . .
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
41 970
Timestamp: 2009-02-01 16:50:05 UTC
and the names that go to the numbers above are. . .
the Suspense is killing me here. . .
Scroll down a bit more. . .
Shari from
wins the Mini Purse with the Mini Charm Pack
(no blog) from (I don't know) wins the Love Note Pillow.
Congratulations to both of you for winning my 100th post giveaway. I will be emailing both of you shortly to let you know and to get your home address so I can get it mailed to you tomorrow!
One last surprise prize. . .
Goes to the person with the most friends who left a comment and mentioned that their friend sent them here. The winner is. . .
Nancy from patchworkpenguin
You will recieve a Mini Valentine Purse filled with Valentine treats. Sorry, there's no fabric but you do get the purse filled with chocolate!!!
Again, Thank you to everyone for participating in my 100th Blog Giveaway!!!
It was definitely a SUCCESS!!
I'm so HAPPY!!
P.S. I noticed the time that posted on this post and it's apparently not set for my time zone. Right now my clock says 10:26 a.m. Mountain Standard Time. I did wait for 10:00 a.m. before I posted the winners. : )