It's been a crazy week trying to cram things in before school starts in two days and now I'm down with a sinus infection and a really PAINFUL ear infection. I went to the doctor tonight and got some medicine and ear drops for my ear pain. I'm just hoping to get through the night and start feeling better. I'm sorry I haven't blogged much lately and when I'm feeling better I will get back to it. I'm really hoping to do a post this weekend sometime. Until then . . . keep quilting!! Hugs, Kim
Aren't you just a little too old for an ear infection??!!!??? You're just so youthful!!
I can't wait to see the new site when you're done. I am almost done with one of baby's quilts. I'll email you the picture. It's an Irish Chain...my favorite!!
I hope the medication works quickly and you are back feeling your best soon.
Hope you are feeling better soon!
Ugh! Ear infections! I know that pain, I can't imagine what sinus pain is adding to the misery. Take care of yourself and get better soon. (Hugs)
I feel your pain...been there many a time. Wishing you well and soon, take care and get rest!
Hope you get better soon.
You sound uncomfortable. I hope you are on the mend soon. (((hugs)))
Oh Kim...hope you're feeling better really soon.
Kim get well soon.
I too have gotten sick on the first and last week of school and required meds so I know exactly what you are going thru.
Goodness, feel better soon!!
Time to slow down and take care of yourself! Get well soon.
Feel better soon!
Sorry to hear you're feeling so icky. I hope you get well soon! ooxx`jodi
Hope you feel better soon! And good luck with the back-to-school-blitz!
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. I've been fighting something too, just too darn stubborn to head to the doctor.
Feel better soon!!
I hope you feel better soon! It's terrible being sick in the summer and especially the heat!
Oh Kim, I hope you are feeling better. That sinus stuff can be so miserable. I am nursing a sprained foot, and it sure has kept me down :-(
I was thinking you were just still "under construction". I hope you are feeling better soon! When do you have to go back to school? Paul started last week.
Sending "healing thoughts" your way!
Sounds like you had enough on your plate and then to get sick on top of that, ugh. I think moms should have a get out of jail free card with the whole sick thing. We just don't have time for it! I hope you feel better soon Kim!
HUGS Kim, I hope you feel better soon!
I had an Ear Infection a couple of years ago, and I seriously decided that I'd rather be in labor. Take the meds and rest!
Of course YOU know what my big surprise is...he he he! So much fun!!
Get well soon!
Jenibelle's comment cracked me up! Maybe you should get tubes in your ears LOL.
Ouch!!! I hope you're feeling better SOON Sweet Kim!
Hoping you're feeling better soon.
Sewing hugs and blessings for you, Kim. Be well, rest.
Feel better.
I hate getting sick. It interrupts our lives. Get better soon. Happy sewing.
Oh you poor soul. Sending healing vibes, hope you are feeling better soon.
What a difficult time to get sick and ear infections and sinus infections....they make one feel just terrible! Hope you feel better and that someone is giving you plenty of TLC.
So sorry you are ailing!! By the looks of your comments, lots of folks care about you!! Get well soon and come back!
Oh, I have so much empathy for you right now! I get ear infections after every flight! Hope you feel better soon!
I don't know how babies deal with ear infections, because I got one a couple of years ago and at 5am I was KICKING my husband telling him he HAD to take me to the ER. I was definitely ACTING like a baby. But DANG it hurt.
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