My dear friend Rae Ann started the Shadow Light Foundation over 19 years ago now and I've been involved in one way or another for the majority of the years I've known her. She does so much for the community and for those that have great need both at Christmas time and during the beginning of the school year. She calls this program "PACK to SCHOOL" where children in need are provided with a Backpack filled with school supplies and a new school outfit. It's been a wonderful blessing to me and my family to be involved in helping her each year.
Here are a few pictures that I took that day. You can see the entire article printed in our local newspaper on August 15th. Just click
HERE to read it.

Lots of Donated Backpacks.

More Backpacks!

My dear Friend Rae Ann is giving direction to the girls who came to help put the backpacks together. There were about 18-20 of us helping and when the service project was done over a 100 kids were given a backpack for school along with an outfit, socks, underwear, and a pair of shoes.

Brand New Donated Clothing for Children in our Community.

Here are the lists of school supplies broken down by grade.

Here's Kenna & Olivia.
They were both so excited to be helping.

Look at all the wonderful donations from friends and neighbors in our community.

What a great way to give back to our community!
Thanks Rae Ann for being my friend!
What a generous and wonderful idea.
Kim definetly a lovely idea. This was the first year that I was not asked if I need anything for my classroom by parents. I can feel their stress and I work in a school where the majority of the students are well off.
What an absolutely incredible project. Thank you for sharing it with us. As a retired teacher I know how important it is for every child to have what they need to start school. Fantastic!
As a retired teacher, it brings tears to my eyes to know that your group helped make the first day of school happier for so many children (who would have otherwise gone there feeling pretty badly with their old backpacks and old clothing). God bless all of you for this wonderful effort!
I have hear of projects like these. They are fantastic! What a great way to spend your day and feel good about what you are doing!
A true blessing to have a place in one's heart for helping other.
I really love this idea - making a child smile is priceless.
What a wonderful program. A secretary in my office does a similar program for inner city kids in Boston, MA.
Wow, I can't believe how early you guys start school! My great-niece lives in Kansas and started school last week. You'd think we'd do the same thing here on the east coast to help with snow days.
what a great project to be involved in - it is amazing how many children need help in getting school supplies.
I've heard you mention RaeAnn before, and it's nice to be able to put a name with a face. What a great service! I'm impressed!
That is so cool!
What a fabulous project. Kuddos to all involved.
Seeing this made my morning! Thank you!
What a fantastic project!
What a beautiful thing to do! God Bless Rae Ann and all you kind folks who are helping her :)
Hi Kim
Rae Ann is really a sweet person. We also have a program like that in our area too that we help with. I love to involve the kids just like you have involved Kenna...wonderful post Kim.
Thanks for reminding us about all the things we can do to give back.
x Lori
What a wonderful project Kim! Our middle school here does something similar -- the kids are each asked to bring in supplies and then they spend an afternoon putting the backpacks together.
Aw what a great project. Rae Ann is simply amazing. We get to rub shoulders with some of the most fabulous women in the whole world! I truly believe that.
What a wonderful thing to do! You ladies are fantastic!
How generous of all of you to get involved in this project!
That's an awesome, generous and loving thing to do.
Wow, I love that service project! It's is so great and to have some of the youth involved...tell her I'm inspired also!
This is wonderful! How awesome for the kids who will get these goodies!
This is just the best project! What a great thing for the community.
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