Thank you so much for all of your get well wishes. They are so appreciated and I'm happy to report that I feel well enough to go to school and the antibiotics have kicked in and helped me feel a whole lot better.
Have a GREAT first (or second or third. . .) day of school where ever you live.

They grow up so fast. Sigh.........
Glad to hear that you are feeling better. Take care.
Have a great first day. What a great place u live, love the green! What state r u in? I'm in AZ, where everything tends to be brown LOL.
Wow,here in my part of Virginia, the kids start school the day after Labor Day. You all must get out earlier in the spring?
Have a wonderful first day, and your sweet daughter looks so grown up! Almost like a teenager! Are you ready?
Brought back memories.....of my three...Enjoy your daughter now as time races by and before you know it she will be off to university...
Take care and glad that you are feeling better!
great fun photos, have fun being back at school yourself - hope there isn't too much sickness going around this school year. Love the pine trees in the photos - we don't have that kind here in the south - not cold enough I guess.
Have a good "back to school" day.
You girls look so cute. Please tell your daughter she picked out a great "first day of school outfit! Love her shoes!!"
Enjoy your back to school day!
Hope you both have a great day!!! We still have 3 more weeks before we start up again.
You both look so happy. Good luck with the coming year. My kids start back on Monday.
Cute! I love that last picture of Kenna waving goodbye to you (us!). I'm sad to see school start -- I know it will take more of your time away from us! ;-) Good Luck this year!
Sorry to hear you were ill, glad to hear you are better now. Enjoy your back to school, I don't do that til Feb 2010 - new course for work (added skills = increased income yay)
Glad to see you are feeling better. Our first day for the kids isn't until the 31st. We have to be back on the 26th. Summer is soon over!!!
Glad to hear you are feeling better. Great pics of that first day back to school.
That takes me back years ago when it was the first day of school for me and I was so excited to wear new clothes and mingle with friends again. I am a very social person so it was a good thing.
Gosh...sorry I didn't know you were sick........been so tied up with the tree falling on our house and now the grandkids staying with us for a little over a week that I am totally behind on blogs. I'm glad you are better, though. Here the kids don't start school until the day after Labor Day. Of course, they get out later at the end of the school year than you do.
we haven't started back to school yet. they start back on monday, i must have missed a post, i didn't realize you were sick. hope your all better
Kenna looks so cute. She's such a doll. Love her sneakers. I'm sorry you were sick. It is so fabulous you're better for the first day of school! I hate being sick. Really I'm a baby.
first day of school.. already?
Kim have a great school year. We had open house today and the kids come back Monday.
That first day can be tough for us Moms. My little guy goes back to school next week.
My sweet child started school this year. I am glad to read this.
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Hope the start of school has gone well! It's always so exciting... and it's still strange to me to see them going off in their regular clothes. All schools here in Oz have a uniform - regular public primary schools usually have a school t-shirt with shorts for boys and skirts for girls and track pants for winter. Not too expensive at all. Private schools are just what you'd expect with fancy items and wool blazers etc.
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