Today we are going to have a very Special Giveaway and as part of the Giveaway David and I will "PAY TRIBUTE" to our Mother's and CELEBRATE their LIVES by sharing bits and pieces from Dorothy and Adelaide's lives.
This is a long post but it will be worth it in the end. Thanks for reading!

(Left) Dorothy Mary Repia McKenzie Buss (February 1935-September 1992)
My mother was born in Maromaku, New Zealand in February of 1935 (North Island) born to Murdoch McKenzie and Isabella Heperi. She was the 2nd girl and 3rd child in their family. She followed in her older sister's footsteps and graduated with honor's from Nursing School. My mother met my father while he was serving an LDS mission for our church there in New Zealand. After his return to America he kept in contact with her and eventually proposed. Six months later she moved to America and eventually naturalized and became a citizen of the United States of America.
In December of 1957 my parents were married in Salt Lake City, Utah. Less than 2 years later they had to move back to Wisconsin to help his father on the farm because he had taken ill. During the 10 years they lived there my mother worked as a nurse and added 2 girls and 2 boys to their family.
In 1970 my mother received news that she had breast cancer at which time our family moved back to Utah where she received further treatment for cancer. During this time my mother continued working as a Registered Nurse at Utah Valley Hospital. It was amazing to me how many cancer patients she counseled and helped deal with their own mastectomies. My mother had a zest for life and loved people. One of my favorite memories from my childhood is remembering how she would bring people home that she had just met, either at work, the store, or the laundry mat. She didn't even know them but she soon learned that they needed help in some way and would bring them home for dinner. I was shy as a kid and remember being a bit embarrassed that she would openly approach people at the laundry mat. Our washing machine often broke which meant we'd have to go to the laundry mat. I think my mother loved it there because she loved helping people. I grew to admire this particular attribute that my mother possessed and have since tried to follow her example in my own life.
In September 1992 my mother's life on this earth ended after 3 weeks in intensive care resulting in complications from a routine surgery due to her intense medical history. It was her time to go and as a family we needed that time to figure it out and to let her move on. What a tender mercy from a loving Heavenly Father to feel such love and comfort at the time of her death and to reflect and to remember her life and how she lived it. Thanks Mom! I love you with all of my HEART!!!! She was very happy to be a grandmother and loved and adored each of her 8 grandchildren. We have since added 8 more grandchildren and 2 great grandchildren to her posterity.
(Right) Adelaide J. McNutt (Excerpt from David's mother's life history)
AMMA’S LIFE JOURNEYJanuary 15, 1999 -- My Birthday Party at David’s and Rosie’s Lovely HomeNow I am here 90 years old -- what has my journey of life been? My family has wanted me to write something about my past. After my parents died in the early ’30’s, I wished that I had asked them about their past.When you are young, you don’t think about that -- so here I’ve written some highlights to share with you.As I was thinking, it occurred to me that the number “9” appeared to be significant -- I was born 1909, I came to California in 1929, my husband Ronald died May 9th and my room number is 109, and now it is 1999.I was born in a log house in Manitoba Canada. It was so cold that the bed linen froze to the wall, my Mother told me. 1903 my parents immigrated from Iceland with 5 children: 2 boys - 3 girls - one is my sister Thora here now 102 years. They home steaded in a farming community 12 miles from Lundar town and not too far from Lake Manitoba where they could fish. My Dad’s sister and family had come a few years before and helped my parents get started with mixed farming -- it was a period of hardship for a while getting settled, but later things got better and 3 more children were added now 4 girls and 4 boys, now 3 of us are left.Mother was a busy lady. She baked bread in a wood stove, sewed clothes, knitted from the wool of the sheep -- socks, mitts and even long johns. She taught us sisters all facets of homemaking and how to knit and sew for the cold winters.Sadly, we all had a limited education as finances were not available to send us away to school. My Dad was a carpenter and cabinet maker, so after a few years, with the help of sons and neighbors, a new frame house was built. All of us children had farm chores to do according to age -- I had to milk 1 cow before walking 3 miles to school and when the weather was bad and Mother didn’t let us go to school, I cried. We all helped with the gardening and during haying season.Mother was a Lutheran and Dad a Unitarian. When I was small, they had church services in our home and when they sang hymns, I cried, it must have been too somber!At the age of 13 I was confirmed in Icelandic in a Lutheran Church 3 miles from home and I have remained faithful, now over 50 years in 1st Lutheran in Glendale.We left the farm in 1927. Mother and Dad moved to town. At the age of 16, I went to work as a house maid in a grain growing district and after 6 months I left and went to Winnipeg to learn hairdressing. In 1929 my sister Thora and I came to L.A. to visit our sister Kristine who had lived here with her husband for 5 years. We intended to return to Canada, but got work and stayed on.I got my California license and worked in a beauty shop for 35 cents an hour. Later I got part-time work in a restaurant where I met Ronald my husband. I used to take the street car to work, but one night it was raining and Ron took me home in an old Maxwell car, I was so grateful I kissed him on the cheek!! That did it!!Ron came from Nebraska, had been working in different coffee shops and I told him I couldn’t marry him til he had a secure job. So he rented a small lunch counter and we were married in 1933. He earned enough to prepay the house we were renting - a small rear house that cost $15 a month. We furnished it with second-hand furniture that cost $75. Then the big earthquake hit and we watched the front house lose its chimney.However the counter failed -- it was depression time. Then he found a job as manager in a hamburger counter where he fried hamburgers in the front window where passers-by could watch. That was right in downtown L.A. at Broadway and 42nd street. There he made enough money to prepay the Doctor bill of $75.00 as I was expecting our first child - our daughter Gloria, who had curly dark hair and weighed 10 lb. Two years later, son Kenneth came, not quite that big -- then some tough years followed until ’43 we acquired the Martha Washington Restaurant without any down payment -- these were the war years, then our “bonus” baby-boy David was born. So now we were blessed with three beautiful children and business was good and now we were finally secure financially.We sold the restaurant after 15 years of hard work -- soon Ron got a job with the IRS. It was ’58 when we drove to Annapolis to attend Kenneth’s graduation from the Naval Academy. We also enjoyed seeing Gloria graduate from Redlands University and David from Cal State L.A. So I’m proud of them and 7 grandchildren and extended family. And grateful to God for 58 years together with Ron.I feel blessed in many ways and each day is a gift from God to be treasured from here on and at the present I am satisfied and happy among many friends at Windsor Manor.So here I am by the grace of God and I am very thankful to HIM.IN THE 12 1/2 YEARS SINCE SHE WROTE THIS, AMMA BECAME A GREAT-GRANDMOTHER 9 TIMES OVER. THE TENTH BABY IS DUE IN FEBRUARY AND WE ASSUME THAT THE BABY WILL ARRIVE WITH ANGEL KISSES FROM BOTH GREAT-GRANDMAS.
Now it's TIME for the GIVEAWAY
I was super excited when David told me he wanted to send me a Quilt Lover's Heart and I knew just what I wanted to do with it. So, I asked him if he wouldn't mind if I had a giveaway for all of my reader's. I really appreciate your wonderful comments and for checking in with me from time to time. Keep the comments coming. . . I love hearing from you!
Here's the Grand PRIZE
(1) Quilt Lover's Heart

Because this is a really really special giveaway I'm going to have to make everyone work a little bit but, remember that entering the giveaway is totally optional and you can do (1) request or all (5) requests for a maximum of (10) chances to win.
Here's what you need to do. . .
FIRST: I want you to write, call, or email your Mother and tell her how much you love and appreciate her. This counts for (1) entry. Now if she's passed on like our mom's then maybe you could call, write, or email your sister, your aunt, your grandmother, or even your best friend and then tell them how much you love them. This would be a SWEET way to spread the love.
SECOND: I want you to go to David's Website, look around, and then come back and leave me a separate comment telling me which heart is your favorite for another (1) entry. Click HERE and then once you're there click on the bottom bar of hearts that says Lover's Hearts.
THIRD: You can Blog, facebook, or twitter about the give away for another (1) entry. Just remember to come back and leave me another separate comment. Thanks for your help in spreading the news.
FOURTH: If you ARE or you BECOME a Follower of my blog leave another separate comment for another (1) entry.
FIFTH: Now, here's your BIG CHANCE. . . if you decide to make a purchase on David's Website you will be entered an additional (6) times. Just leave me (6) separate comments telling me you purchased any of his Lover's Hearts. I will then verify with David on purchases made. Think of this as your bonus chance to win a second heart that you could keep or give to a friend.
The Giveaway will be open until the 16th of August at midnight. I will then pick the winner through the next day and post about it soon after.
Now go out and SPREAD the LOVE!!!!
Thanks for visiting!
I call my mommy every tuesday, it is our special day. So, no problem there :) And yes, I always tell her that I love her!
I do love the quilts heart, but to me my favorite is the family heart because family is always first.
I actually just emailed my mom this morning and talked to her yesterday - it was her birthday! And she's just bought plane tickets to come out and see me for Thanksgiving. I love my mom! :)
My second favorite heart by the artist is the Science one - for I am a scientist by trade and by nature, and what would be more appropriate than that?
And of course, I've been following your blog for a else would I have found this entry? :D
I am a follower of your blog. Thanks!
I lost my mom when I was 18 but just called my mother-in-law and told her that I love her. She's a sweety! Thanks.
I love the "Amazing Grace" Lover's necklace. Thanks for the chance!
I called my Mother recently. She's in nursing care and does best conversing at night. I write and send her a card along with a few pictures every two weeks. I just mailed her a card yesterday along with two pictures of us at Schlitterbahn (water park).
Even though I love the "quilts" heart, I'm loving the "family" and the "Amazing Grace" necklaces too.
I tweeted! @dkl3265
I'm a follower!
I'm taking my Mom out to lunch tomorrow just because. She is a great example of all that is good.
I love the family heart but the sister heart is beautiful too. I have a sweet sister that shares my love of quilting.
I love the Family heart. Thanks for the giveaway
I'm a follower! I love your site Kim and your tribute to your mother was beautiful.
I am a follower of your blog. LOVE IT
talked to my mom, she is 90 and still lives at home on her 18 acre farm. <3 and I fell in love with the music heart, so family and music are my favorite hearts. (but I already commented on my fav, so I will include it here)
I call my mom every day and tell her I love her. I visited her yesterday.
My favorite is Family in Sterling. Thanks for the giveaway!
So lovely! My favourite heart is the one with Jesus written on it. Thanks so much!
I am already a follower of your blog!
I do call my mom at least once a week and let her know, that I do love her.
Awesome! I call my mom everyday and tell her how much she is loved by me and my kids! Jenn
I'm already a follwer! Jenn
I just got off the phone with my mother and after her listening to her complain about her electric bill for 20 minutes, I still told her how much she means to me.
Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway for the beautiful Quilt Lover's Heart!
There are a lot of hearts I like but I still love the Quilter Lover's heart the best.
I am a regular follower of your wonderful blog :)
My mum died in 2000 but I do have 1 remaining aunt whom I adore! she is 92 and I visit her every Tuesday - she is very hard of hearing so phoning her is not an option!
My favourite is the Forever heart
I emailed my sweet Aunt JoAnn since she's always been a second mother to me (my own mother passed 16 years ago) and made sure that she knew how much I love and appreciate her! Thanks for giving me another excuse to tell her how much she means to me.
I went to David's website and I actually like the family one in silver best. I had contacted him previously when you first posted about him and asked him if he could do a heart in each of my sweet grandbabies names and he said he could! I don't get the extra entries for that though bz I can't afford to order them for a couple of months but I definitely plan to and he was so nice in his email back to me.
I'm also already a follower.
I visited with my mother-in-law who suffers from Alzheimer's today. She doesn't know me, but I know that she knows that we love each other.
I love all of David's pieces, but the one that says "stitchin'" pretty much says it all for me!
I'm also a follower!
I can't call my mother because she has passed away and my last remaining grandparent (Dad's mom) passed away this morning at 99. I did tell my step-mom I loved her this morning after she called to tell me about grandma...
These hearts are gorgeous! Thanks for sharing!
Sandy A
Hard to pick just one! Love the quilts! of course, and the Friends, Faith and Dog ones are all tied for second, Family would have to be at the top though!
Thanks again!
Sandy A
I'm already a follower!
Sandy A
I went to my Mama's for coffee and told her I love her. I go every day of the week and tell her as often as I can.
I am a follower.
I love the Quilt Lover's Heart. I also sent a link to my sister. Beautiful jewelry!
I always tell my mom how much I love her. Thanks for making us do it extra!
I called my mom!
I love the family heart
I follow your blog
I included your giveaway in my blog today:
I talk to my mom nearly every night and always tell her how much I love her.=)
So many great hearts to choose from! My favorite is the Quilts one though. Thanks for the opportunity to win!
I'm a new follower.
I was just getting ready to call my mom last night--had the phone in my hand--when it rang, and she was calling me! We're on the same wavelength!
I like Family, Amazing Grace, and Quilts. Oooh, I'd love to win one of these!
What wonderful women they were. My late mother was much like yours. She was always helping people. She loved children and the elderly. My mom died in 1995 at the age of 63. I miss her every day.
I phoned my sister and my dear mother-in-law and told them how much they mean to me!
Thanks for hosting such a wonderful giveaway.
Such beautiful heart pendants. I adore how the "Love" pendant features a "V" that's anchored at the top and bottom and is superimposed over other letters. Very creative and eye-catching.
I have become a follower!
I talk to my momma every day!!! Love her bunches!
Oh man I love his site. Can't figure out how I have never seen his work before! I can't narrow it down to a favorite heart. The quilt is a for sure must have, I also like Stitchin, photography, books (the multiple one), family and faith.
I have become an official follower now. Even though I have been reading since the Moda book came out. Love your bag, I am in the process of making my own.
Emailed my mom. Thanks for the reminder! We email all the time, but it was good to be reminded of how important she is ;)
Hard to get away from the Quilts heart, but I think my favorite is actually "Family" ;) LOVE my family!!
Tried to become a follower, but I just keep getting a message that says "unable to process your request. Try again later". I will try again later, but I do read your blog all the time, and have had you linked on the sidebar of my blog for a long time :) Hope that's good enough!
I sent my mom a text message telling her how much I love her and how much I appreciate her. She is working so I can't call.
I would have to say that I love the Family Lovers Heart the best but I would drool and dance if I got a bracelet with all of my boys names in it! That would be the most awesome present ever!
I am a new follower! Thank you for the giveaway!
Since my mom is gone :( don't have a sis or an aunt, I called my daughter and told her how much I love her. Of course, I do that a lot anyway :)
Loved reading the stories, made me miss my mom...
I am now a follower, happy I found your blog!
Thx for the giveaway.
I called my dear aunt (my moms sister) - she is 93 and still doing well.
I love the family necklace.
I am a follower of your blog.
Thank you for the lovely stories about the mothers. I like the quilt heart the best but my second choice would be the one that says Faith.
I wish I could call my mother but I can only speak to her on high. I did send an e-mail to my aunt who is 87. I've been meaning to contact her and you gave me the little push I needed.
Hi Kim,
I am visiting my parents right now - I have been here since Sunday and we have been having a lovely time together. My mother is one of my dearest friends and is always supportive.
I loved reading about your mothers. David's mother is the same age as my dad's mother would have been. She had a very short life- she died when she was 42. Unfortunately I did not know her.
Thanks for the chance to win such a beautiful piece of jewelery. I think David does gorgeous work.
Regards from Western Canada,
I went to David's website and while my favorite piece is the one that you are giving away- my second favorite is the one that says family.
Thanks for hosting such a terrific giveaway.
I have been a follower on your blog for a long time. I love seeing your projects and reading your pieces about family, life and quilting.
I talk to my mother almost every day,never go more than two days without talking to her or seeing her and I always end our conversation with I love you.
I've followed you for a while now.
I love the sister heart.
I talk to my mom almost every day. We live about 3 hours away, and at least once I month, I go home to visit. We never hang up the phone or leave from visiting without saying we love each other.
I love AMAZING GRACE. It's really beautiful
I've been a follower for quite some time.
I talk to my mother frequently, but she has Alzheimer's. It is usually a one way conversation. We both talk, it's just that what she says doesn't always make sense. I do believe that she still understands I love you.
I am an official follower of your blog, although I followed it unofficially before.
My favorite is family, because they are my favorite. There were about 15 others that I really like also.
I texted my sister...LOL she never answers her phone ...but she does save her heart felt texts by emailing them to herself. I am a follower and I love stopping by...this was a wonderful post and am so glad I read it!
I talk to my mother everyday and I know how lucky I am to still be able to do that. Thanks for the giveaway.
Hard to pick a favorite necklace. I do like the quilt one, but the family one would be my favorite. I also love the the Hope necklace as my granddaughters name is Hope. Thanks for the giveaway.
Called my mom and told her, I LOVE YOU MOM!
I love the quilt necklace!
I follow your blog!
Being pretty sick with systemic poison ivy and allergic hives to the medicines used to treat it, I can't stay at the computer long enough to do any of the requested things (and my mother has been gone since 1989), but I do want to tell you I enjoyed reading about your two mothers. Oh....I am a follower, so I guess that counts for one thing...right? :) Back to resting now...
I am a follower and I love this story and the quilt heart necklace. Thank you for sharing.
I am a follower.
I like the Quilt necklace, but I would like the Sister necklace for my best friend, my sister. All of them are beautiful.
Does Texting count? My Mother and I talk regularly, through phone, email and texting and we always end with "I love you". :)
I am a follower of your blog and enjoy reading your posts.
I'm very fortunate that I get to see my mom almost everyday as we get to work with each other. And yes, I still tell her daily that I love her :)
Well, the quilt heart is of course my favorite, however .... I found my Christmas present because I LOVE the wine one too ... my have to get it for my BFF too.
Been a follower for awhile now, love your blog and all the inspiration you provide! Thank you.
This is just so sweet Kim. My own Mom passed away over 30 years ago, and I have no sisters or grandmothers or aunts left. I do tell my BFF how much she means to me every time we talk or write. So I hope that counts. You are very blessed to have had both Mothers for such a long time.
I miss my Mom every day -- she passed away in 2003 -- but my sister and I are very close, chat online and share a love of quilting.
I did check out the website for the 'lovers necklaces' and just love the one for quilts and the one for sister.
I went to David's website, and my favorite heart is the one that says Faith. Love the little heart that dots the "i".
I do follow your blog regularly -- really great inspiration. Thanks for the giveaway!
I am a long time follower of your blog ;-)
David's designs are fabulous! I especially like the bracelet with the charms of names in hearts. Very sweet. Thanks for the chance to win a quilt-lovers necklace.
I do follow your blog...
I am a follower of your blog. Thanks!
I went to David's site ~ lots of great designs but I really like FAMILY ~ thanks
I read your blog in Google Reader and saw the quilt heart for the first time when you blogged about it. My mother passed away in 2003 but my older sister is still alive and her birthday is in the beginning of September, So, I visited David's website and ordered the SISTER heart necklace for her. The service was wonderful--I received the heart the next week.
I just found your blog the other day. Loved the post about mothers. I had a hip replacement a year ago and am still having problems. My 82 year old Mom and Dad came over to help me for a long time. Don't know what i'll do without them, but for now i'm thankful for her love everyday. I love to quilt!
I just said "I love you" to my mom the other day.
I really like the stichin heart.
I'm already a happy follower.
My mother passed away 2 1/2 years ago, I miss her terribly. I went to lunch with my dear friend, who is like a sister to me, and I told her how much I love her. She is always there for me.
I am a follower!! Keep up the wonderful work!
I love the quilt necklace, but I also like the 'faith' necklace. They are beautiful!
called my Aunt Esther who took care of me like family... PEACE would be my pick of Davids hearts then FAMILY
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