Her DREAM finally came TRUE!!!
We took her to the Salt Lake City Airport this past Friday evening to board a plane to fly to the Los Angeles Airport and from there fly to Auckland, New Zealand. . .

The Rainbow was certainly a serendipitous sight as we approached the airport.
(meaning: unexpected and unforseen)
It brought smiles to our faces and warmed my heart.
I was comforted and knew that I could let her go.
I knew also, that she would be in very good hands along the way.

It's hard to say goodbye but with all of the technology that keeps us connected it will be fun to keep in contact with her. It's funny but, we've actually talked more with her in the last 3 days than we have in the last few weeks. She's been really busy finishing up at work, getting ready for school (that she'll be doing online from NZ), buying school books, packing, cleaning, organizing, taking care of last minute doctor appointments, banking details, and saying goodbye to friends, and family.
Here she is saying goodbye and getting ready to go through security. We watched as she walked away from us toward her new adventure!!! Wow! I can't hardly believe she's in another country. We are so excited for her and know she will grow in so many ways and have lots of wonderful experiences.

Nothing like waiting until the very last minute but it was just a few days before Ariel left that she asked me to make her a camera case and a case for her new iPod Touch.
So, here it is. . .
Ariel's Quilted & Zippered Tech Pouch. . .

I found a 4" zipper at JoAnn's and made this Tech Pouch to protect her iPod Touch and her digital camera. If I had taken a picture of the inside of the pouch you would see a quilted divider seperating and protecting both the camera and the iPod Touch.

The smaller pouch you see is a craft fail in the sense that the zipper was too small and prevented the camera fitting in lengthwise. I should have made it a 1/2" wider to accommodate the camera so, now it's a pouch to hold makeup, money, or any other small item you want to carry in your purse.

I also wanted to make an identification tag for her Tech Pouch too, so I used my metal stamps to stamp her name on a metal blank. Then I added the zipper pull clip and a swarovski heart and small bear charm. It was a fun touch to finish it off.

My daughter, Maggie took a year off University, packed a back pack and left for England-all by herself!!! She knew NO one over there!! She stayed for a year, worked in England and Scotland and toured Europe with people she met in her travels. That was 5 years ago...whew!! She is now safe and sound...home and just finishing off her articles to become a Lawyer. Her travels really made her appreciate Canada and her home!
So don't worry...thank goodness for the internet is all I can say!! Take care!
What an exciting time for Ariel. How long will she be gone?
She'll love New Zealand us Kiwis are great host's.
Hello Kimberley, You are going to miss your daughter so much. I hope she has a great time in our beautiful country. If she is in Napier (Coastal city in North Island) at all she is most welcome to stay a couple of days and we can show her some of the sights. How long is she going to be in NZ??? I just love the blogs. It makes the world so much smaller..
Luv Rae
What a very brave girl going on such an incredible adventure! I'm sure she loves the quilted cases too. It's almost too bad that our kids have to grow up isn't it....almost....but I wouldn't deny them the adventure by any means!
She will love New Zealand. I have a friend whose daughter married a man from New Zealand and another friend whose daughter is getting ready to do the same. There is something about those New Zealand men!!! Hope Ariel has a wonderful time on her adventure. Keep us posted on her time there. Love the quilted cases you made. So cute!! Love & blessings from NC!
Your cases are so clever! I love your fabric choices. My son and daughter were in New Zealand a few years ago and had a great time. I'm sure your daughter will too! Let us know how she does.
Thats fantastic Kim...how long will she be there?
I took a picture of that same double rainbow...it looked like it was right over our house!
I used the picture on my scripture sunday post.
I'm ure Arial will have a wonderful time and it's so good you can keep in touch. My daughter travelled alone in New Zealand a couple of year ago and loved it!
Those pouches are just too cute Kim! I LOVE them! And I love the personalized tag you added for detail. So cute! That's so awesome your daughter is fufilling one of her dreams. Yay for her! (I too am dying to go to New Zealand someday. My dad went on his mission there which was where he and my mom first met!) I would love to see some of her pictures when she gets back!
I went to Australia and New Zealand when I was about her age and had so much fun. She is going to love it. When I was there, everyone treated me so well...I felt loved as an American. She'll probably feel the same way. Adorable things you made for her!
Kim I know what it's like. I did the opposite - sent my then 18 year old daughter off to from her in New Zealand to be a camp leader in Canada. And you know what - that was 5 years ago!!!!!! The beauty is we have had the experience of going over to visit and she has been home for trips on and off. It was hard though, and I do miss having mum & daughter times, but with the beauty of skype and emails at least we can have daily contact. People were so lovely to her in those early days which made me feel a little better about it all (if that helps!!!). Ciao
These pouches are soo cute...love the combination of fabric!
Oooh, what a fun adventure for your big girl! Didn't you just want to curl up in her suitcase and go with her? I hope she has a wonderful time.
I LOVE your pouches. I'm thinking I need to make a bunch for me -- the ones I've been using are getting all beat up and yours are toooo cute!
Can u make a tutorial for the ipod touch case??? This is soooo great!!!
oh what wonderful adventures and experiences she will have!!!! how fabulous! and the cases are just lovely, nicely done mom!!
I would love to have a tutorial for the pouch. LOVE it.
Try not to worry about Arial, I went travelling alone when I was younger and had a great time, making many friends and seeing new things. I love the pouches you made, I've got to make a camera case for my mum but don't know where to start!
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