I found this new Circle-y Granny Square Tutorial by Jellywares. Thanks to Natalie from Cinderberry Stitches for her post a few days ago and the link she then gave to Amanda's blog that linked to Jellywares Blog. Sometimes the chains to different blogs are difficult to keep track of but here you have it. I documented it while I remembered and while I could still easily find the links. I almost forgot you have to go to Carina's Craft Blog too for some other great crochet tutorials like this and this and we can't forget this one either.
I fell in love with the Circle-y Granny Squares and just had to post about them. I knew you would love them too. The patten was easy enough for me to follow along and I actually made one in about 15 minutes. Wow!! It's so cool to finally be able to follow crochet instructions as long as they aren't too complicated.
Here are several pictures of the Circle-y Granny Squares I've made so far.

Have fun with the links. . .
Have you seen BHG American Patchwork & Quilting magazine with the fabric version of a granny square afghan?
VERY pretty Kim! I've long been a fan of JellyWares -- she has an adorable family and she blogs about her fun life (although, sometimes it's not too fun, like the day they lost their dog ... ;-( ) If I didn't have too many UFO's already, I'd definitely be doing the granny thing!
I really like these - a different twist to the Granny Square! I'm with you - I can crochet, but can't really follow complicated directions. I'm off to bookmark the links - like your previous commenter I have too many UFO's to start another project. I also really like your color combinations - you have a real gift for that :)
Very nice. Crocheting is a great thing to do when watching tv, sitting in the car, etc. Especially when doing small units like these.
I really like those! I wonder if I would have better luck with those, the centers of my regular granny squares are always rather round anyway.
OMG KIM!!! We are so in snyc! I could have written this post, right down to a photo of my red, white and aqua circle-o's!! Only one thing different than mine... yours look beautiful!
Kim, your crocheting is coming along beautifully. It is a very relaxing sport and fun and the yarn could not be more yummy! Great Job!
So, so cute. Don't think I could make them (I don't crochet) but they are so, so cute! :) The colors are wonderful!
Those are so cute Kim!
This is exactly the same crochet project I am going to work on next! I even bought the yarn a few nights ago. Did you see the beautiful colors Sarah London used for her pillow? I am going with the same shades.
I'm glad to know they were easy to do. Now I can ask you if I have any questions.
This is amazing to have found that you have discovered these little squares of yumminess after so many links! The colours are so similar to Monica's...she sent me a sneek pic, amazing! I am making mine in different colours now after changing the colours for the baby nursery. So glad I found your blog!
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