It's been a VERY successful fundraiser for Parker. In fact, it's been so successful it's kind of blown us all away. We want to thank everyone who contributed to the success of this special event. Parker's life will be so blessed by your generosity. On behalf of his family I want to THANK each one of YOU!!!
Here are just a few pictures from yesterday and today as we picked the winners and took down the quilt and the gingerbread kids.

After school my daughter, Kenna and I took down the gingerbread kids with the help of Candice from the office and a some other kids in the hallway. We then tried to take the tape off and organize them a little better than the pile you see in the pictures.

There had to be over 1,000 of them. Last count over two weeks ago we were at 687 so I'm calculating approximately double that. As we sat and took off the tape and unstuck them from each other we enjoyed seeing all the messages and decorations. It was a lot of fun!

Some of the gingerbread men didn't quite survive the process of taking them down. We tried to repair what we could but some had to be tossed. Sorry! I just didn't want to send body parts, if you know what I mean. LOL!

Here's our donation bottle.
Donations can still be made
here at anytime.

A shout-out goes to the owner's of
Oobees for donating this wonderful gift basket of all of their fun products. You can go
here to have a look.

They do mail across the country and you can go to this
website and buy them too.

A big thank you goes to Broadbent's in Lehi for donating this fun horse collection.
Broadbent's in Lehi
The three other blankets were donated by Lisa, an aid at school and a parent that just dropped a quilt off in the office and didn't tell them who she was (so I can't thank her personally).

Here's a view of most of the prizes.
One last prize was donated to a drawing for the teachers and staff. One of our student's dad works for Provo Craft and donated a
Cricut Expression. That was a really cool prize and it generated a slew of donations. Of course, I didn't win but I knew the teacher that did win and she was very very EXCITED!! So I was happy that she loved it and more importantly, she will use it!!! That's what I wanted.
Provo Craft's Cricut ExpressionWell, it's been a SWEET SUCCESS and such a MIRACLE to see the hearts of the children open up to help another child in need. We had so much fun with this fundraiser and I feel it opened up the level of compassion in our children. I often heard the kids talk about helping Parker and they'd show me their money. It's been a REAL BLESSING for me at this special time of year when we celebrate the birth of
Jesus Christ. I acknowledge HIS hand in my life and I know that
HE LIVES and loves me too! That he gave
HIS LIFE for me that I could return to
LIVE with HIM again!
At this Christmas time let us reflect upon HIS life and the love HE has for everyone! May we always share that LOVE with those around us that we may have PEACE and JOY in serving those around us.
You need to be congratulated for organizing such a wonderful fund raiser. I'm so thrilled it was successful! Merry Christmas!
I, too, congratulate you on organizing this. Isn't it great how when we bless another person, blessings come back to us?
Merry Christmas to you, too! Yes, I'm thankful for the peace, love, and joy that I feel not only at Christmastime, but all through out the year.
Hi Kim,
Your idea for this fundraiser was truly a blessing for this little boy. I only wish I could have donated something, he and his family have been in my prayers. God Bless you,
Kim - what a wonderful thing for you to be involved with at this time of year. I'm sure you are so appreciated.
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