I'm super excited to announce that. . . TODAY I will be chatting with Pat Sloan. . . For those of you who may not know. . . Pat is the Host of American Patchwork & Quilting Radio. I'm slightly nervous but, I'm sure we will have a great time talking about the things we love to do. . . like quilting. We'll also be talking about my upcoming project that's coming out in the Summer 2012 issue of Quilts & More. The anticipated availability date is April 24th.
Tune in today at 4:oopm EST (Eastern Standard Time).

You can listen to the podcast by clicking on this LINK and it will (or should) take you directly to the podcast site.
Visit Pat Sloan's Radio Show page at Creative Talk Network to listen to previous podcasts. You may also use the above BUTTON on your blog to link to the program.
I was just thinking that this is a great excuse for a GIVEAWAY. . .
Would you like to win a fun prize?
Well, go ahead and enter. It's easy!!!
You have (4) Chances to enter your name in the Giveaway and the prize is. . .
The Summer 2012 Issue of QUILTS & MORE Magazine and I'm going to give away (1) copy to (2) separate winners.
Here's what you need to do to be entered in the Giveaway:
- Leave (1) comment telling me your favorite kind of quilts to make. Do you like Reproduction Quilts, Modern Quilts, or are your tastes more Traditional? I'd love to know.
- Leave another (1) comment telling me you listened to my portion of the podcast (I'm 2nd on the program).
- Leave another (1) comment if you mention the podcast on your blog, facebook, or twitter.
- Leave another (1) comment if you become a new follower or if you're currently a follower.
The GIVEAWAY will end on April 24th.
- I will randomly pick 2 winners before the end of the day by using RANDOM.org Depending on when I get the copies of the magazine I will then mail it to the winner.
- Please make sure you are NOT a NO-REPLY Blogger. Just make sure there's a way to contact you. If I am unable to contact you I will have to pick another winner.
Thanks for joining in on the FUN and I'm looking forward to reading all of your comments!!!
Am I the first to comment? Oh my. I love traditional quilts. There are so many in my head that I want to make, but know I will never have enough time to make, that I can't even think about the more modern designs.
I am already a follower. Thanks for the chance to win.
Hi Kim I am a new follower of your blog and I am enjoying it.
I'd have to say I'm more traditional and love scrappy quilts - in fact was looking at one you did for AP&Q trying to see if I recognized some of the fabrics. I do however, like a bit of applique also. I'm looking forward to hearing your portion on Pat's show today, I listen to all of them.
I am a traditional quilter and also like reproduction and civil war fabrics and patterns
I love all things scrappy. Theses quilts are my favorite to look at and to make. I have been addicted to string quilts lately. Can't tell you how many I have made and still have not run out of "strings". I think they multiply at night. Thanks for the great giveaway.
I've been a follower for quite some time Kim.
I'm definitely a traditional quilter. I haven't quite embraced the modern asthetic.
I like traditional quilts with my own twist. Some of the modern quilts appeal to me, too. Can't wait to listen - love that show!
I love Modern quilts. Can't wait to listen to the show.
I'm following.
I make all sorts of quilts, traditional and modern/art quilts. But quilts for beds tend to the traditional and smaller things to the modern!
I like Modern quilts!
I like modern quilts. But also love some traditional blocks. Conflicted answer, I know!
Already a follower...
I like all kinds of quilts-especially when they are scrappy.
I'm a follower :) For ever :)
I love making modern quilts- and it has to be bright and happy colors :)
I love trdicional quilt and some modern quilts.
I`m a follower too.Thanks for the chance!
I have been a follower, and love your blog. You have such great ideas and fun things to play with.
Good luck Kim! I'm so excited for you! You'll do great!!! I will try to listen.
I make more traditional quilts but am leaning toward the modern quilts the more I see of them.
Haven't listened to the show yet, but I will as soon as I stop commenting!
I am now a follower of your blog. Looks like you have a lot of tutorials I need to go back and look at.
I loved making traditional quilt especially FW :)
Thanks :)
I like all manner of quilts, but am most drawn to traditinal designs.
And I'm a follower.
Tweeted - https://twitter.com/hueisei/status/191929383953510400
I tend to lean towards traditional quilts, but make them with more modern fabrics. I like the minimaist look of many modern styles, but my scrap happy brain wants lots of piecing. Great podcast!
I am a follower! Thanks for the opportunity!
I lean towards more modern quilts with larger pieces.
I already follow your blog and love it -- always so much inspiration.
I follow Pat Sloan's blog and also subscribe to her podcasts. I'll have to listen to your interview tonight when I get home from work and can sit and sew while I listen. Thanks for the giveaway! Love Quilts & More!
I really enjoyed hearing you on the show. I love the Quilts and More magazine so I look forward to seeing your pattern in it.
I love to make Civil War reproduction quilts AND brights and batiks. I think I have a split personality! lol
I love to make Civil War reproduction quilts AND brights and batiks. I think I have a split personality! lol
Scrappy and traditional--mostly. My tastes seem to evolve rapidly.
I love scrappy quilts using 30's fabrics. Always a good excuse to buy more fabric!
I can't wait to get the new Quilts N More! I never miss an issue. I listened to your radio show and can't wait to see "Mixed Berries"!!
Thanks for all of your wonderful comments. It's been so much fun getting your emails. I've enjoyed reading about the different types of quilts you're all making.
I just finished listening to your interview with Pat Sloan. I did not get to listen "live" but I listened later.Good job you didn't sound nervous at all.Some good pointers too.I am looking forward to seeing Mixed Berries.
I like what I call "updated traditional quilts with modern leanings". That's a mouthful that may or may not mean something! I also like scrappy and try to add at least an element of scrappiness to most of my quilts.
I follow your blog.
I listened to the podcast. I'm looking forward to your Modern Berries quilt and your future patterns in magazines. I like your "organized chaos" concept -- sounds like a good fit for me!
Sandy D.-Thanks for telling me I didn't sound nervous even though I was a bit nervous in the beginning but once I got started it was fine. I went back and listened to the interview again. I'm happy to say that I could listen without any pain. lol.
Lisa Marie- Thanks. I've used the "Organized Chaos" concept for years. Infact, I could even lay claim to it since I've never heard anyone ever use that terminology before when it comes to quilting.
I love to do all kinds of quilts, traditional, modern, scrappy.
I am currently a follower.
I usually make pretty traditional quilts, but I like bright colors that make them feel more modern.
I am a follower
I love scrap quilts--the more pieces the better. The quilt needs to have some white in it though to make me completely love it.
I love the traditional quilt especially patchwork.
I listened to your podcast - great job!
I am a happy follower.
I am drawn to reproduction quilts.
I listened to the whole podcast. I appreciate your hints about paying attention to accurate and consistent cutting, piecing, and pressing. I prefer piecing on my Featherweight, so from now on, I won't switch machines "in mid-stream" while piecing a particular project. I am hoping that following your sage advice will enable me to enjoy the process and avoid wasting time ripping out stitches! Thank you.
I am a follower. After I listened to the podcast, I Googled your name and realized that there was a reason your name sounded so familiar. :)
I do like a combination of pieced and applique quilts - pretty traditional.
I did listen to your interview - you did a great job.
I've been a follower for quite a while!!
I would love to get the Quilts & More magazine. Please add me to the drawing!
I just listened to the podcast! I just love those.
I'm a follower! Thanks for the chance!
I listened to the Podcast!
My fav quilts are traditional - think 3 Sisters fabrics.
My fave quilt are reproductions
I'd love to win a copy of the magazine. I can't find it where I live.
I have mainly been a traditional quilter, but blogland is helping me spread my wings. I'm trying some modern things lately. I guess you can teach an old dog new tricks.
I listen to Pat every week. I love her podcast and all the new people I meet or learning new things about people I follow. Mixed Berries looks like a fun quilt. I love Quilts and More magazine too. I always tell myself---NO MORE MAGAZINES and then I buy it. No will power!
I am a new follower! :)
I really like tradional quilt patterns like log cabin, rail fence,etc. Lately though I have makeing quilts with a more modern look, for grandchildren's graduations. No worries though, quilting no matter what way is all good. :)
I am a new follower
My favorite kind of quilts are scrap quilts.
i love tradional quilts
i am a follpwer
I like tradional patterns and scrap quilts. Thanks for the giveaway!
How fun!! Thanks for the giveaway :)
I just became an official follower. Been reading your blog regularly for a long time, but am joining today!
I think I like traditional quilts but with a colorful modern flair in the fabric.
I love all types of quilts but right now I'm making more modern ones and enjoying the process! :) RuthNParadise@aol.com
I'm a follower and love your blog!! :)
I love traditional quilts but with modern fabric.
I am now a follower and looking forward to it.
I love making modern quilts! I like the simplicity of the designs but not short on color.
I listened to you on Pat Sloan's radio show - I never miss Pat's shows!
I love traditional quilts with reproduction fabrics, but am loving the modern fabrics and quilts right now :)
I'm a follower and love reading your blog :)
I like almost any type of quilt except the browns of Civil War or the wild Modern. :) I need color, but i also want order.
I am a traditional quilt maker, I have alot of patterns to choose from! awolk at rogers dot com
I am a new follower of your lovely blog! awolk at rogers dot com
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