One summer day I happened across this really cute chair while shopping at our local Deseret Industries (thrift store). I walked by this chair and it immediately caught my eye. I looked at the price tag and was a little surprised at the cost but loved it so much that I continued to look it over.

Lots of thoughts went through my head as I stood there.
Thoughts like. . .
"Where am I going to put it?
"Do I have room in my already crowded sewing room?"
"My husband is going to laugh at me and think I'm crazy."

Lol. . . I loved that chair so much that I didn't really care what he may think and when other ladies started looking at the chair I showed an attachment to it besides, when they saw the price of $25 they moved on anyway.
It had lots of scratches on it and was missing the lower spindle between the two sets of legs so, I probably paid too much for it but, every time I go to Deseret Industries I see ugly chairs so when I saw this one I just had to snatch it up. I'm really happy that I didn't leave it behind especially after I painted it!!!! Keep scrolling and you'll see why I love it so much!

I knew immediately what color I wanted to paint it!
Any guesses? lol.
It was Definitely. . .

And here are the awesome results of the make over.
Isn't she pretty?

Here's a look at the missing spindle.
But, I don't mind it so much.

It's such a pretty red when sitting in the shade.

My Cherry Red Chair looks totally awesome in my newly Remodel Sewing Room which I will be showing you really soon once I get the special quilt for my room back from the quilter and get the binding on it and I also, just need to finish the curtains too and then I'll be ready to take pictures and show it off.
Remember that flood we had in the basement before Thanksgiving and Christmas? Well, my husband surprised me with a makeover for my sewing room.
I'm sure you know that if you give a quilter new flooring for her sewing room that you're going to have to have new paint to go along with it, and. . . new curtains, and . . . a new quilt, and. . . and. . . I was hoping for a new Red Horizon sewing machine too but, that will just have to wait I'm afraid.
Anyway, I'm super excited to share it all with you in the not too distant future.

Mrs. Bitty Bits Cherry Red Chair.
Look at you go!! Nicely done and can't wait to see your new room. Have fun!
You lucky girl! My favorite color! It looks fantastic on this cute chair.
That is just too cute and the perfect red!
What did you do to prep your chair before painting?
What a transformation! It's so pretty.
That chair is terrific! I love DI. My husband and I DI hop everytime we go to Utah.
Mighty pretty!
LUV your chair! Gave me inspiration. I need to give my sewing room a clean up make over. Can't wait to see yours. Thanks for the show and tell!
That chair is gorgeous!! I can't believe how great that paint looks. I have some chairs that need a makeover and I'm getting some of that paint tomorrow!
Love the chair and the color. I can't wait to see your new sewing room.
Wow, your chair looks fabulous!
That's one red hot chair. Love it to pieces...
Candy apple red and it looks yummy! You did a great job. I need to be braver and start spray painting some furniture. I'm excited to see this sewing room remodel too. Your husband sounds like a keeper!
LOVE it!! And this post is just in time--- I bought a set of 4 sturdy, but well worn, wooden chairs at a thrift store a few weeks ago-- and the red paint you used would be so perfect!!! :-)
pretty chair when it was re-done. I have a couple chairs that I need to do sometime that are now in the workshop in the storage area, when I get some more room I will redo the chairs.
Love the chair and I love red too! It's probably too late now but Tim could have made you a spindle. Tim has made chairs that look just like that. He LOVES Windsor chairs. You have a good eye Kim!
*l*o*v*e* your chair!! :o)
Love the color Kim. I painted my outside bench that color and I love it. Glad you are blogging again.
You've inspired me! I have this chair and intend to improve it! Thanks!
Love your Cherry Red chair! I can't wait to see your sewing room makeover! I've been working on my sewing area too -- getting re-organized and adding a few things for storage. ;-)
Wow, who would have thought?!?
Every home needs a red chair....I'm jealous....Though a quilt around it...it will be beautiful...
Your chair is beautiful! Did you snad it first? Did you prime it? I hope to paint one I have in a vintage blue or light turquoise. I hope it turns out as lovely! DId you use gloss paint?
Oh my heavens it's gorgeous. I would have never thought to use high gloss, I always use satin but I really love the looks of the glossy red. Awesome job!
Very cute Kim! I know a neighbor that needs one!:)
Dying to see the sewing room, if it's anything like the kitchen and family room re-do...it's going to be spectacular!! Pick a great project for us to do in August, I'm coming for a few days I hope. So excited for Jeff! AND excited if he needs a "mom" you'll be there!!
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