Heck. Just yesterday it was summer and fall seemed like such a small blip on the screen.
So, I thought it would be fun to share the pictures I took today.
This is the scene I saw when I opened the garage to leave for work this morning.
So, I thought it would be fun to share the pictures I took today.
This is the scene I saw when I opened the garage to leave for work this morning.
I love this snow covered look. So beautiful and serene.

My flowerless pots.
I miss the flowers already.
Today's Snow Related Humor:
Before the kids went outside for recess the teacher gave the kids a few SNOW instructions.
- No throwing snowballs at the building.
- No throwing snowballs at each other.
- No throwing snowballs at anything.
- And. . . make sure not to get too wet.
The kids all ran out with excitement! Ready to play, play, play.
I had my camera today so I snapped a few pictures as I watched the kids enjoy the first snowfall of the season. What a great recess!!! The teacher even gave us 10 extra minutes.
The girls in my class were really funny pushing around these huge snow balls and Mr. O (the teacher) who has a very dry sense of humor asked them if they planned on throwing it.
The girls responded with. . . huh?
I giggled. . . refer to rules #1, #2, #3.
Look at the huge snowball they made.
They managed to get a just slightly smaller snowball on top of the huge snowball and then made a smaller one for the head of their snowman.
They finished him off with eyes, small stick arms, and a smile.
They also made a small friend to keep him company.
Wow! The first snowfall! That is exciting!
I do have a bit of trouble wrapping my head around it though. I live in extreme southern AZ. It was still 73 here. I finally just pulled a sweater out of the closet to wear in the evenings.
I grew up in southern California, came to BYU, then taught school in Riverton. I was shocked when the kids went out to recess in the snow. I used to hate recess duty when it was so cold.
Wow! Looks cold but fun! Grew up in AZ and now live in Seattle! It's the cold that gets to me.
Love the big snowballs....but hate the thought of winter and snow. I am not a winter person at all!
Wet snow is so great for snowmen and snowballs! You probably don't get wet snow all that often in your neck of the woods. My daughter says she can't wait for snow. I can! The first snowfall is always a treat when it's such a pretty one like that, though!
The snow is so pretty and looks like loads of fun. I used to live where it snowed and remember the thrill of the first snow.
Oh Kim, this is my season..I love snow..we ski in our backyards, well not yet since it is green as spring..and we live on the peninsula in Canada...gosh I hope it is coming our way..delightful pictures... you and your blog are an absolute delight.
Oh wow Kim! So much snow!! It's beautiful. And what fun the children are having.
Hi Kim, Your snow looks heavenly. We had 90 degrees here today and I'm ready for some cooler weather. Looks like the kids had a great time building snowmen.
I bet you did get a chuckle out of it all. Thanks for stopping by and signing up as a follower.
I remember the excitement of the first snow... don't know why we never seemed to feel the cold - it's supposed to be nearly 100F here tomorrow - can I borrow that lovely picture of your snow to cool off? Our A/C is on the blitz... good thing we'll be at work most of the day where the A/C is working!
Wow. The first snow. It looks so beautiful. I love the snow covered look, too. And hope, that we have a little bit this winter too. No blizzard only a little bit for the children to make a snowman or so ;-)
LG from Germany
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