Here's my first project that I've finished and I just had to show it to you.

Don't you just love the colors? I think it turned out yummy with all of those delicious colors. I'm sure a few of you are going to start asking me about the fabric. Right? Well, I've got some bad news . . . it's NO longer available, I'm so sorry! I did a google search but not an extensive search, so maybe you can dig it out of somewhere. There are sooo many great and wonderful fabric collections out there that I'm sure you can find something equally adorable. I have complete faith in that.

Here are the particulars from the selvage edge:
Fabric Collection Name: Ryce & Madeline
Designer: jonehallmark
Fabric Company: Free Spirit (link will take you to their fabric/designer gallery)
I think I bought it like 5+ years ago and always thought I'd make something with it. When I was asked to make a few samples for my new little job with Superior Threads. I started digging through my stash and found this fabric. I was so excited to see that I had a enough of it and then I added in a few other fabrics that you will probably notice. There's even some Lakehouse Halloween Lime Green Polka dot fabric in there.

It's even more spectacular in person.
You just want to keep touching it!

Dear Kim, Hope you don't mind if
I'm putting your blog link on my blog today. Don't know when I've had such a good time reviewing a new stitching/blogging friend's site. I just had a ball!!! Thanks for your links and suggestions.
I love this little quilt you've shown us.
Come see me!! :] Deb
Kim, First, Congratulations on your new job. This is so exciting. The quilt you made is just precious! I love the colors and that Texture Magic is just too cool. Thanks for sharing.
Got a question - actually two. Would you quilt through Texture Magic and if so, how is it to quilt through? In other words, is it hard or tough to get through the thickness?
Kim congratulations on your new job.
I already thought you had a job?
Anyway, this one will be perfect for you. Visiting quilt shops all day. Keep your wallet at home though. :)
What a fun job for you!!! Congrats on getting that offer. Now....a question.......would I have to order that Texture Magic online or can I expect to find it in quilt shops and places like Joann Fabrics soon? I'd like to give it a try.
That is such exciting news. It will be wonderful to visit all the great shops and chat with the people.
The quilt is adorable.
Kim.....Any chance you will be doing a tutorial here on using Texture Magic? I have some questions (which I've emailed to you) but maybe others have questions, also, and a tutorial would answer them. I saw something online that said to use batting when working with it...but something else said batting isn't necessary. I'd want to know a bit more before I bought it....but it does look like a lot of fun!
When I was visiting quilt shops in Texas, the employee of one shop showed me this texture magic and I just thought....I am a quilter, what do I need that for and low and gave me a reason to need it. Thanks and good luck with your job.
Oh Kim, Congratulations that is wonderful, and the quilt you made looks great. My grandson would love the feel of the fabric!! Way to go gitl!!
You and Nedra, at quilt shops, what a great job!!
Very pretty...the Texture Magic is appearing everywhere now and growing on me.
The quilt is adorable and I love the texture of the texture magic. Good luck promoting it to all the quilt stores. What a fun job!!
That quilt is so cute! I wonder if it is possible to buy Texture Magic here in Norway... I think I have to try it very soon:)
Congratulations on your new venture! What a dream job. I use Superior ALL the time in my long arm, can't get enough. Great quality thread. I love the quilt with the texture magic. Really pretty and very tactile.
My question is what does it look like after the quilt has been used and washed?
Congrats on the new job! Sounds like it will be lots of fun. Plus you get to visit a bunch of quilt stores and pick up some new fabric.
I love the quilt! great colors and I'm sure babies will love the texture.
Oohhh....the colors on that baby quilt are SO amazing and the texture idea is really, really neat! How cool is that! Good luck on your new adventure!
I love it. I just wanted to reach out and touch it - the texture looks great.
What a perfect job for you - they must know how wonderful your samples would be! Love the Texture Magic look and can't wait to try it.
Great job on the Bubbly Babies! I'm so excited to be able to work with you! If I can help with any of the questions coming your way, just let me know.
To answer a few: It washes up GREAT!
And we haven't been quilting through it because it really doesn't show. We quilt around the pieces with TM.
It can be ordered through Superior Threads, and we mail all over the world, even Norway!
That is a great quilt! I've been planning a blue and green baby quilt. I have 3 of the fabrics you used in my stash! Nedra sent me that pattern and some of the magic, so I need to get crackin' on it! Thanks for the inspiration.
I love the quilt! We've got TM at the shop I work at and have used little bits here and there, but I like it as a block - babies and kids love texture! So do adults for that matter!
The only thing that stops me from using it more often is the price! Do you / Superior Threads anticipate the price to come down at all?
How much did you use for that darling quilt?
Thanks for the inspiration!
so sweet, I like all fabric very much! gratulation! :o)
WOW! Congratulations on the job!
I agree with Mel. When the TM is $12-14 for a half yard package and you have to add another $5 of fabric to it and then that becomes just 70% of a half yard before you get a useable piece, that comes to close to $50 for a yard of TMed fabric.
I hope you'll communicate to Superior that they have to do something about the price.
It is absolutely beautiful! What a great job!
What an adorable little quilt and the "textured fabric" is awesome!!! The best of luck to you on your new job.
Kim -
It's always fun to look at your blog, even though I'm not a quilter (or even a sewer - oh that doesn't look right, does it!). I was reviewing other blogs and ran across one I thought you'd like. You've probably already seen it, but just in case:
Texture magic is a special product that can add that extra sparkle to a special quilt or project you're making for a special someone.
I know it's not something that we can necessarily afford to use in every project but it certainly can be used to add that extra magic to some of your different projects.
I think this product is worth a try and just start with something small like a pocket on a purse or a dress, maybe even as an accent on a pillow. You could even make a matching headband for a child's skirt or dress.
There are lots of different applications for Texture Magic. I hope you give it a try, it's lots of fun to use.
Yes, you make a good point -- it's for embellishment rather than construction. And, in that respect, it compares reasonably with something like, say, Ultrasuede.
I actually recently bought a package. And I will use it for trim -- the flap and a band along the bottom -- on a backpack. But the fact remains that at that price it's intimidating to experiment with a new, unknown element. I suspect that will have an adverse effect on their market.
I'm hoping along with Mel that the price will come down. And I think Superior needs to consider that the price will inhibit people getting comfortable with it. But I wish them well with it and I wish you well representing them.
BTW, it was your nifty Fourth of July pillow on Moda Bake Shop that interested me in trying a package.
Congratulations on the new job. Sounds like it is right up your alley. texture Magic looks interesting. Are you planning a tutorial?
What a great baby quilt!
adorable kim!! i got a chance to meet nedra at quilt festival and see texture magic live and in person and you are right.. you don't want to stop touching it!!
I love the effect of using Texture Magic on your quilt. Good luck on your new adventure with Superior Threads.
Congrats on your new job Kim- I know you're going to be great!
It turned out so incredibly well. It was so fun to see it and touch it tonight! Your work is always so incredible.
Congrats on this new adventure. Sounds like a dream job and you'll do great at it. Your sample quilt is adorable just like your pillow was.
Hugs - Karen
Congratulations on your new job. Sounds like you'll get to visit and see many quilt shops!!
That fabric certainly had a nice textured look to it.
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