Well, I must say that a lot of energy was expended today but I'm happy to report that we survived the ordeal. It's always more worry than it needs to be and after she often comments well, that wasn't such a big deal. I just smile and remind her that she needs to remember that and maybe next time it will be easier.
FEAR of the
UNKNOWN can make most people at least a little bit nervous but can send Kenna over the edge. She was very insightful one day when they had a substitute Bus Drive who got turned around and lost at least 3 or more times (according to Kenna) and she came home in tears worried that she would be lost. She remarked that she felt her
ANXIETY PRESSURE go up. I tried not to giggle. I thought that was a great way to describe her feelings.

We showed up at the Dentist's office at 10am with a nervous smile.

Kenna was sooo happy that her daddy could come with us.

Here Kenna is starting to come out of the sedation.
The first thing she said to me was, "Are you REAL?"
I thought that was funny.

She was most worried about her numbness and kept asking if her lip was swollen. I kept saying no and then I realized her lip was numb and that was why she felt her lip was swollen.

Guess what I finished while I waited.
The binding!

The dragon with teeth sure liked sitting on the quilt and wanted me to leave it behind for him. I said, "No way, my quilting friends want me to finish it so they can see it.

So, here's another little peek.
I'm really very very close. I'm sorry to make you wait so long. Hang in there! I just have to put on a couple more leaves and some pink mini ric rac around the centers of the flower.
Glad everything we well for you and life is back as normal.
Love what you are making, can't wait to see the rest.
I'm glad things went well for Kenna. Thanks for letting us know!
So glad to hear that things went well for her and for you! Whew! Such a load off your minds. You even had a plus, finishing binding. Can't wait to see the whole thing.
I'm glad she came through well!
All's well that ends well. Glad for everyone that its over. By the way, Kenna is a beautiful Young Lady with a lovely smile
Tell Kenna we were all "pulling" for her. Get it? Pulling?
OK, bad joke, but if it brings a smile to her face, it's worth it.
The quilt has me guessing and wondering...I'm very excited to see it. As far as all the anxiety, we have our share here. Makes life really interesting. Have a great day. Mary
So glad to hear that all went well. She is such a lovely young lady. Hope this will give her a little more confidence.
What a darling girl. So glad she came through the experience so well.
I am so glad it went okay. What a relief.
Yes, it was a huge relief and now I mark that major task off my list. I'm ready to get on to some sewing around here.
Ariel, Wisdom teeth out...check!
Dental check-ups & cleanings...check!
Kenna, baby teeth & fillings done...check!
Quilt Shop Hop tomorrow...almost check!
I will take pictures at the shop hop!
Have a great day everyone!
Happy to know things are all good.
BTW- I bet Kassidy and Kenna would get along like peas&carrots-maybe we should set them up as pen pals (i guess it would be email pals)
What do you think? Would Kenna go for it?
Sounds like your daughter was very brave...glad it all worked out! Of course I can't wait to see your sneak peek reveal and photos from the shop hop...I really wanted to get up there for that this year...but it just didn't work out!
So glad she made it thru! Go Kenna!! Good job!
Very cute quilt Kim. I've seen those fabrics here in the lqs and contemplate buying some every time. The store has a darling baby quilt made up with those fabrics!
Oh Kim I'm so glad things went so well...the not knowing is always the worst. Can't wait to see what you're working on.
So glad everything went alright. Can't wait to see more of your quilt.
i'm glad you all got through! i had surgery on my mouth/teeth as well when i was only 12 and i was knocked out too... :-) you are a good mom and having you there when she woke up was all she needed!
Oh I'm glad! I just commented on yesterday's post, so glad to see it worked out.
Fear of the unknown is EXACTLY what gets my heart racing -- you hit the nail on the head.
I am so glad all went well...I am sure she (and you) are happy it's all over with! I hope Kenna learns to cope with her anxiety. I understand your feelings in your last post about people not understanding her because she "looks" like there isn't anything wrong. Our oldest son has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. He acted so unreasonable at times and his teachers were not very supportive sometimes. He went through so much misery, especially in high school, but as he has gotten older, he has really improved and his coping skills are much better. It's been a blessing! :)
Oooh, hurry -- it's so cute, I don't think I can stand it much longer!!! I'm so happy that everything went well for Kendra. You guys are both so adorable!
Yeah for your daughter!! :) I am a dental assistant...have been for 22 years. We have a lot of patients old and young that are very anxious coming to see us. I am very very proud of her for getting her work done. I bet she is happy to be rid of those ole baby teeth and have her fillings done. :) You seem like a lovely lovely mama. And, I soooo wish I could quilt like you. Have a good afternoon!
Look at that sweet little girls face and yours says it all!"Glad that is over and all is well"
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