Must BUY MORE!!! I NEED MORE. . . plastic boxes!!!
My husband gives me a hard time every time I come home with them (IF?, that's right! IF, he sees them, ha ha!). These sweet little boxes were EASY to get in the house and they work for so many little things you find in your sewing/crafting room! I bought them at TAP Plastic when I was visiting friends in California this past August. There are lots of little treasures on their website. I've mentioned just a few below.
I googled their company for you and sure enough they have a website and you can buy them here. I was excited about that because I need a few more. LOL! These might be harder to sneak in since DH works at home and they would be delivered to our home. LOL! Anyway, here they are.
Several sizes to choose from:
B. Style FT-2: 0.76"L x 0.62"W x 1.69"H
C. Style FT-19: 1.60"L x 1.39"W x 2.53"H
D. Style FT-42: 2.13"L x 2.13"W x 2.63"H
E. Style FT-38: 3.70"L x 2.73"W x 1.16"H (good size, I need more of these)
F. Style FT-33: 2.72"L x 2.72"W x 1.34"H (good size, I need more of these)
G. Style FT-104: 4.02"L x 1.51"W x 4.63"H
Style FT-4: 1.13"L x 0.69"W x 1.65"H (not shown)
Style FT-9: 1.60"L x 0.69"W x 2.53"H (not shown)

The boxes below I bought at a place here in Utah called "Xpedex" located in Orem. You can buy the bigger ones for under $3.00 and most places sell them for over $5.00. Hence, I have about 15 or more of them. You giggle and ask why? Well, it's because I have so many projects and projects waiting to be placed in a box. **smiles half ashamedly** Anyway, they are great boxes to carry and organize your projects in.
I have lots of other plastic containers and plastic drawers full of stamps, paper, scrapbooking stuff and of course, fabric.
Hope you enjoyed this plastickie post.
I loved the plasticy post...I'm a storage container junkie myself! Thanks for the great info.!
Just so you know this plasticy blog post is better than the surgery. It provides me peace of mind that there is hope for this disorganized sewer!!
All of these boxes help keep us organized. The 12x12's are the best, and that reminds me, I need a few more. Maybe I'll stop by on my way to work. For now, it's off to the Quilted Bear;)
Hi Kim, I'm in the process of getting my craft nook done and organized, and your plasticy post really gave me great ideas! Ones I will for sure be checking in to!
Before plastic bins I was a shoe box -a-holic. Thank goodness for plastic boxes and of course, ziploc bags! :)
You are very organized, Kim. All your "stuff" looks great!
Thanks for your sweet comments. The store I sew for occasionally is Bernina or Stylish Fabrics in Logan, UT. They have me sew quilts now and then and it is really fun.
Have a great day,
I are also a container junkie, I love to put things in to compartments and hopefully keep them that way is possible.
Kim, Kim, Kim. You are a VERY bad girl for telling us where to buy those boxes. If hubby gets after me, I'm sending him to YOU LOL!!!
Your sewing room is fabulous!
I love using the 12"x12" boxes.
But cannot find them on the "Xpedex" web site.
What are they called or what is order/model #
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