This is the Before Video of my sewing room. Just make sure to watch the after video too, so you won't think I live in total chaos all of the time. Remember I've been sewing for 34 years now and I have a lot of stuff and I haven't had a very good place to put it until now. I really love having easy access to all of my craft tools & supplies along with my quilting tools & all my fabric.
The transformation has been slow going but it's finally taking shape. I'm almost embarrassed to show you my mess but, you all know that I'm human and I'm sure many of us have our little piles of ongoing things to be put away. Right? Anyway, I'm just really happy to have it nearly done.
I've been working on it here and there for several months now and I had one side of the room started but there was so much to do that I was putting it off and then Halloween came and I had another mess on my hands. Fabric and patterns every where. My Aunt Claudia stayed at my brother's house this weekend so I had some time to attack the situation and get some organization back into my life.
Here's the After Video of my sewing room.
I hope you enjoyed my attempt at capturing the transformation LIVE on video. It was fun to do and I'm so glad that the majority of it is done. Now I just have to continue organizing and I have about 3 more cubes to buy to finish off the other side of the room. I also want to get some more doors for some of the boxes so everything is less exposed. You will see the door in one of the pictures below. I also need to get a few for shelf inserts.

Here are a few pictures I took in June when I was putting together some of the storage cubes with the enthusiastic help of my grandson, Benjamin. He was also helping me this past Saturday put together the rest of the boxes I had purchased. He was so excited about the whole thing that he stuck with it for several hours. He was such a great help with everything as you can see from the pictures.

Ooh exciting! I've been starting to dream of what I need in my future sewing room. My tiny sewing room is absolutely not cutting it anymore. Thanks for sharing the great pictures and giving me some good ideas!
WOW! Looks great! What a super space to create it. Say are you going to be featured in WHERE WOMEN CREATE soon? You've got a great space to show off!
Oh I love your "new" sewing room! I have to clean and organize mine too :( but I don't have such adorable helper!
What a great space you have! Love seeing the before and after video and it was fun to hear your voice. Love how you have organized your room!
It looks amazing....Would you like to make a start on mine! LOL! Those cubes are great, I wonder where I could get some in the UK?
Kim it is beautiful. I am jealous. Hubby ordered me a Koala sewing cabinet for Christmas and I will be able to house 3 machines on one table and not run around the house to sew in different areas. It will be so nice to do all my projects in one room like you.
I'm pea green with envy! Your sewing room looks so inviting, wonderful. Great job Benjamin.
WOW...what a wonderful sewing space you have. Thanks for sharing it!!!
Fantastic...I agree those scrapbook boxes are great! You did an excellent job and so did your grandson.
It's official....I want to live in your sewing studio...
Gorgeous and I love seeing the help!
I am so glad you showed the BEFORE. I always think that my "mess" is so terrible (and it is worse than your before) But I find that the mess occurs when I have been really creative. So I don't feel too bad about it. But I do wish I had more space AND more organization to mine.
WOWSER! Kim it is fantastic! Love your helper!
Kim, this makes me want to get into my sewing room and organize more! You've really worked hard since I saw your room last. Part of it had been started and now it's looking so GOOD!
I admire the fact that you included your grandson when he is still so young. He didn't undo everything as you worked? What a cutie, and you are right, he has the cutest laugh.
looks wonderful
congrats you certainly have improved your sewing room!
I am going to have to look into those boxes! I loved to have a wall of them!
congrats - great job! I'm doing something similar and trying to weed out what I don't/won't use - it's the "won't" part that's hard! Wonderful ideas!
Wow Kim! That's an awesome transformation! I had to laugh when you mentioned how long you've been sewing as the reason for all your stuff. I'm in the same boat -- it does accumulate, doesn't it? Love those storage cubes!
Your room is absolutely gorgeous!!! The before and after and just it!!! Thank goodness for your little helper. :)
your organization looks like you are really ready to roll with quilting now....
I have the table with the drop down leave and a cube of drawers but that's it for these. I love what you've done. It looks like such an efficient system. My son is leaving for two years in December and after it's painted (about time after 14 years don't you think?) I'm going to use it as a sewing room. I can hardly wait. Right now I carved out a niche in my family room but the grandbaby is now old enough to get into stuff so it has to move soon! You have some great ideas and I really like how you involved your grandson to help you get it all ready! He's a cutie.
Wow...your quilting room is great and I really like the idea of the cubes. Do you mind sharing where you got the cubes?
I love it! Right now I have 1/4 of my closet and one end table lol! I hope to have a room some day!
Beautiful room and sooo organized.
Your 'new' sewing room is incredible!! Love it and your grandson- how adorable is he! A real sweetie!
Take care and well done!
"Cubes" are great, Kim. What a transformation in your sewing space! Simply wonderful, workable and I'm sure refreshing to work in.
One of my favorite things is to see "sewing spaces" that people creat in. And seeing both your before and after videos/photos was so fun. You must feel like you're in a brand new space!!
BTW, were the videos done with the FLIP? Nice job.
You area looks great. Makes me want to go clean....ah maybe not. :O)
Your grandson does have the cutest laugh. Your room looks great! It's so fun to start new projects in a fresh area. Nice job!!
I love the look and the storage you've created in your sewing room.
Can you clarify if you really like the storage units you can buy at your local craft stores with 40% off coupons vs the online store? e.g. is there a big quality difference?
And, are they easy enough for you to put together (w/help of your grandson) or did you need someone else to help ?
I think I'm inspired to do this in my sewing room.
Kim it looks fantastic!
Beautiful! what an awesome place to create in.
Very impressive, my room is about one quarter of the size of yours!
I was taught it is not nice to be jealous, but come on; you are making it sooo hard!!! It is beautiful and I am very happy for you!!
What a fantastic craft room. I just redid mine and my FIL made me a table using those cubes. What great invention and what a wonderful room you have!
Very nice! Everyone needs to reorganize from time to time. Maybe I'll get busy on my sewing room. You've inspired me!
Very nice! Thanks for sharing your space with us! Now, I need to tackle mine! ;-)
Awesome room Kim! Send over your grandson and I'll get mine looking like that!
I LOVE your sewing room! Thanks so much for sharing the before and after as well...makes one feel that it is doable! I love how you've used the storage cubes and have picked up some fun ideas from your thank you!
Kim: It's wonderful! I'm very happy for you. It's also very inspiring. The trouble is, I think I need to do this to my entire house. I often ask myself how I could move into a house nearly twice the size and not have it half empty! Instead, in a short period of time I managed to fill the entire space to the brim. My large cutting table had the swinging leg break underneath it. Do those bins hold up your cutting table surface? (mine is a drop down leaf) I'll have to get those if they would hold the leaf up.
Love what you did to your sewing room and what cool organization. Enjoy sewing.
What a transformation! Love the picture of your little helper with the band-aid on his nose! Cute!
What a great place to be creative! Your helper did good work.:0)
I love seeing what people are doing to their sewing rooms. Thanks for all the details and pictures. I'm sure you'll be very comfortable and happy there!! p.s. I love your patterns and colorways!
Awesome new space!! What a difference! I love organizing stuff...because I'm sooooo anal? Good job! Polly :-)
Before and after is so satisfying! What a great reorganization job that was, and your assistant is so cute. I agree, he does have a wonderful laugh. It took 20 years, but I now have a sewing room (the smallest room in the house!) and it is wonderful to have a dedicated space, I feel very lucky. Enjoy your newly spiffed up and arranged workspace, looks great!
Thanks for sharing your room transformation. Looks good. How long will it stay that way? :-D
Oh my goodness, what an amazing transformation! I know you will love it.
Hi Kim...I love the redo in your sewing room! You know we think alike......I have the same cubicles (and alot of them) in my studio.
When Roberts started carrying them a few years ago, I got a bunch and I really love them and the way they help keep my studio organized.
Yours looks beautiful!
Happy new sewing room!
Kim you have inspired me to dig out and organize. Your room looks beautiful!
I love your sewing studio, and living in a cottage, I don't have one. You have really done a great job on it!
I love the glimpse into your sewing space! What a great idea to use the boxes. I'm assuming that since you said you've purchased them with 40% off coupons, that you purchased these at Joanns? I'm going to have a sewing space of my own soon and I'm going to check these out. Thank you for the inspiration!
Wow it looks great! And that helper is the cutest!
First, before I forget, you grandson is adorable! He's been such a big helper!!
I love your new sewing room. Thanks for the video tour. It's always fun to put a voice with a face!
How lovely! It turned out great; and I too agree that it's so nice to put a "voice" with the face. In years past, b/f all this technology, it was the other way around ... the "face" w/the voice! Your DGS is a cutie pie and I am quite impressed w/all the help he gave you :)
great sewing space. my studio was clean not so long ago and looked so nice...but it lasted a minute... ;-)
hope your will be happily messy soon!
Wow, what fun to watch these videos of your sewing space! You have such a beautiful, organized place to create. And you have a very cute little helper there!!
Oh I love the before and after, Kim!!! Do you and your handy-man make housecalls??!
Uh....could I come over and just sit and soak up the gorgeous?
You've officially made me drool.
It looks fabulous! (trying to remember that whole "thou shalt not covet" thing right now...) These pictures make me want to organize now. I have such a mess!
Hope all is well with you and your family! Your little Benjamin is so cute!!!:)
Have a great day~
Good for you. The photos of your grandson helping are so darling. You'll be more effective in your new room.
Love your craft room wish mine was that neat.
first off I love your blog and enjoy reading when I can. I love seeing that other quilters are like me and have bins/baskets and piles in their sewing areas. I have been working on organizing them before the end of the year and will continue to do so until it is all done and looks as nice as possible. thanks for the tour!
Be still my heart - your room is beautiful and well thought out. What a joy it must be to sew in it. Your helper is pretty adorable as well. Thanks for the tour, I picked up some great ideas.
Your new sewing room is ADORABLE :)
Thankyou for sharing it with us!
I enjoyed your videos showing your before and after of the sewing room. It is coming together very well.
Kim, it looks great! I love the pictures and video of your grandson - the laugh is classic. :)
Also love seeing your fall Sat Sampler quilt- reminds me to finally finish mine. sigh.
Hi Kim-I love your organized room! did you also use the modules for your cutting table - or is that something you already had? My table is getting a little tired and I really liked the cubbies you have at the end of yours.
Hi Kim, new to your blog and love it!. I'm in the process of building my new studio for me and my online store AND you've definitely inspired me. I want a similar collection from IKEA and can't wait. Maybe I'll drop a little video as well to show how you inspired me...thanks so much for sharing your home studio with us!
Nice, love all your baskets!
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