This month was Dear Jane Night at our Alpine Quilt Group. It was really a lot of fun hearing about Jane's quilt and to see some of the completed Dear Jane Quilts and Dear Jane's that are in varying processes of completion. Some of the ladies also shared stories of a trip that several of them made back to Vermont to see Jane's Quilt. It was fun listening to their adventures.

I've been following an online group of Dear Jane fanatics at that quilt for over a year now but I'm not actively current at the moment. Go check out Anina's blog, she creates wonderful tutorials on each block and it's so fun to follow along. Personally, I still only have 14 blocks done and over 150 more to go and that's not even counting the border blocks. After seeing the Dear Jane quilts tonight, I am inspired to keep going. One quilter in our group said that she's on the 30 year plan. I'm not too far behind her. lol!
I'm sure you can guess which color of Dear Jane Quilt was my favorite...

I just love how this quilt looks. If you look closely you will see that each block is machine embroidered. Clever, huh? She used white thread on red fabric and red thread on white fabric and alternated the blocks. I absolutely love how this turned out. Even the borders are beautifully done. Someone asked how much thread she went through and she said that it only took 2 big spools of white and 2 big spools of red thread to make the blocks.

I do have to apologize that I was 30 minutes late to quilting so I missed all of the show n' tell. I really hate missing show n' tell. I know it's the best part but I just had to make my blocks for the last month of our block exchanges. I totally forgot!
Below you will see a quilt that my friend, Dianna made from the blocks we've been exchanging for the last 9 months. Don't you just love it? The center is actually a panel.

I've been burning my candle at both ends and in the middle too! Heck, I'm not sure if I have any candle left. Ha! Ha! Ha! I'm really sorry I've not been blogging much lately either but I will try to do a few more posts this week or weekend. I've been reading as many blogs as I have time for and love every minute I can take to visit all of you. I hope you're having a great week so far.
I'll be doing a Halloween post to show you all of the costume sewing I've been doing. I have one done, one nearly done, and two more to go maybe part of a third one too. I know! Call me CRAZY!! That's my name lately!!
I always love looking at "Janes"! I have only a tiny bit of quilting left on my Dear Jane quilt to do and then I will be ready to get it off of the hand quilting frame and do the binding! Where as I have not been close to 30 years making it :) I am heading to 5 years.
Oh my goodness, but those Dear Jane blocks are stunning. I love the all red one.
oh those janes are beautiful! I finished mine about 4 years ago. I have always wanted to do an embroidery one. Thanks for sharing!
Dear Crazy: (just kidding, but you did ask!)
Thanks for the peaks from That Alpine Group. I've been seeing some pictures of the tour on people's blogs and it looks like it was an amazing trip. I know Bonnie came home with the swine flu. (oh my)
the red and white caught my eye first thing before I read your post... and WOW all done with her embroidery machine??!!?!?! I'd say that this quilt just "PAID FOR THE MACHINE" wouldn't you? ;)
Thanks for sharing! and Love from Texas! ~bonnie
Those are absolutely stunning! What amazing work you all do!
This past weekend I finished block #80 on my Jane quilt. I tend to work on it in spurts then I have to put it away for awhile; however, I love working on this quilt. Thanks for the show and tell.
I've been sewing too but mostly gifts so I can't blog about them yet! These Dear Jane quilts are lovely but certainly look labor intensive! They really have to be a labor of love. I'm excited to see the costumes you've made bz your sewing skills really blow me away! I wish we had a good quilt group in Northern Utah that met at night. I haven't been able to find one yet. All the ones up here meet during the day, dang. :)
I've always wanted to make a Dear Jane quilt. Maybe next year....(sigh)
The red one is stunning! Have a great Halloween weekend!
Oh! Oh! Oh! Thanks for sharing Kim!
The machine embroidered quilt is genius. Must have taken ages to do.
What beautiful Dear Jane quilts!!!
Hey Kim!
Thanks for sharing the Dear Jane quilts. The red one is so stunnig!I have great hopes of starting mine soon.
Diana's quilt is so adorable. That's one thing about Diana... she's a "get er done" girl!
Can't wait to see your Halloween costumes.
I so love Dear Jane quilts and loved looking at the pictures. I have all of it put away in stash (it was a BOM from my local quilt store with the greatest fabrics). Seeing these pictures makes me want to go hunt for the box!
Those Dear Jane quilts are beautiful! That red and white one is just amazing!
Thanks so much for sharing this with us! I love to see Dear Jane quilts. My sister and I are making DJ quilts together. We split up the blocks and we each make two of our assigned blocks. One for our own quilt and one for our sister's quilt. We have been at it for quite a few years and will be at it for quite a few more. The red and white quilt is incredible!!
thanks for showing those quilts. I have wanted to do one but am afraid to tackle it, especially with some of the problems others are having....maybe one day!!! Hope you get a new candle.
What beautiful Dear Jane quilts, I always love quilts in red and white so stunning. Also love the basket quilt, lovely.. Thanks for sharing.. Kim D.
Wow...mouth dropped open, eyes watering WOW. All quilts you've shared are absolutely stunning!!
Ooooo what a wonderful show and tell! Thanks for posting the Janes.
the dear janes are so pretty! but, wow!!, what a committment if you choose to make one. I don't think i'm even close to being able to do something like that!
it took me 2 hours to piece together one block yesterday... i'm a bit slow.
All of those Dear Jane's in one room! How amazing! The size of the blocks and number of pieces in each block is very daunting.
Thanks for sharing the great Dear Jane Show & Tell. I'm on the 10 year plan for mine, but I hope to have it doen next year, so it will only be 9. I only have 3 corners and 4 triangles to go, my center is all together. It was on the plan for this year but life got in the way. Or did I over book.
What an amazing night that must have been with so much Dear Jane inspiration! You've motivated me to make this a must-do!!!
The Dear Jane quilts are wonderful! I love the various looks!
Gorgeous Show 'n Tell! I enjoyed that :) Happy Halloween! Can't wait to see the costumes.
Queridos(as) amigos(as), estou fazendo uma Campanha de doações para o Natal das crianças necessitadas da minha comunidade carente,são crianças que não tem nada no Natal,as doações serão destinadas a compra de cestas básicas-roupas-calçados e brinquedos,se cada um de nós doar-mos um pouquinho DEUS multiplicará em muitas crianças felizes. Se voce puder arrecadar doacções pra campanha elas serão depositadas no Banco do Brasil agencia 3082-1 conta 9.799-3 ,obrigado.
Wow! These Dear Jane's Quilts are wonderful!! The red and white one is incredible!!! Beautiful works!!
Queridos (as) amigos (as) I am making a campaign donation to the Christmas of needy children in my community in need are children who have nothing at Christmas, donations will be used to purchase basic food, clothing, footwear and toys if each of us, we give God a little bit multiply in many happy children. If you can raise only keep working because pra campaign they will be deposited in the Bank of Brazil agencia 3082-1 to 9799-3, thank you
Those Dear Jane's are so gorgeous -- I'm so impressed that you are even attempting to do it! How's the visit going???
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