Here's one of our Fearless Leaders, Flora. She and Paula have taken turns each year to lead us and inspire us. They are wonderful and generous women who love to share their love of quilting with all of us. They both have a great sense of humor and I don't think there's been one month that I haven't gone away happy. We have a lot of fun laughing and sharing. It's a big highlight for me and I look forward to going each month.

This is part of the 30's display table. Nanette made the darling teapot quilt in the frame. I just loved it!!!

Did you know that Betty Crocker is NOT a REAL person? That's something I never knew before last night.

Here's a display of food products that came from the 30's. I've used a lot of these products in my own kitchen. Infact, My grandson lives off of Macaroni N' Cheese. Whenever he comes to my house he wants me to make him "Grammi Noodles" LOL!

I thought you would be interested in seeing this original book of patterns from the Kansas City Star Newspaper. I didn't have time to look at it closely but thought that this book would be a wonderful addition to anyone's quilting library.

Here's some of the favorite quilt pictures I took.

I hope you enjoyed all of the eye candy.
Thank you for sharing. Lots of great quilts there. So much work in all of them!!!
Thanks for sharing! That yo-yo quilt is awesome!
I REALLY enjoyed your eye candy! WOW!
what wonderful quilts - thanks for posting so many photos.
Great eye Nanette's teapots too! I'd sure love to find a copy of that quilt book! And hey...some of my favorite foods originated in the 30's...I used to literally live on Ritz Crackers!
Oh wow, beautiful quilts! Looks like such a fun time.
Between your and Nanette's pictures I really saw quite a bit of the show. Thank You!
Great photos. I saw you and Kenna on Nanette's blog and loved the quilt you were showing there.
What a fun group to be a part of! Loved the quilts. I also got a chuckle out of your "grammy noodles!" I smile bz I like to be called grammy too.
You are SO, SO lucky to be surrounded by such inspiration. Absolutely beautiful quilts -- thanks for sharing them!
Thank you for sharing!! There is just something so appealing about 30's fabrics.
Thanks, Kim! You are kind.
Kim from those of us who aren't fortunate enough to belong to a quilt group we thank you for taking us along!
What a wonderful show and tell...all those 30's quilts in one place...just amazing.
I truly enjoyed all your photos. Thank you so much sharing.
"Whow" just doesn't seem to do justice to all those gorgeous quilts! I feel like I need to be jumping up and down and hollering at everyone to come take a look see cuz they are so awesome! Tks so much for sharing. It would truly be hard to pick a favorite! Loved seeing the year the foods we eat today first came to be too :) It's no wonder you always come away happy :)
What a beautiful bunch of quilts! Very interesting! I always come away happy from our quilt store, it's like a party! So I know what you mean! Aren't quilters wonderful!
What a beautiful collection of quilts..Thanks for sharing...It's my first time visiting your blog and it's been a wonderful many wonderful things...
Keep up the good job...Have a good day and God Bless,
In His Name,
Greats quilts.Thanks for sharing this beautiful collection.
What beautiful quilts!! I have to hand it to you very talented women!! Looks like the night was a good one.
Just love the show of 30's quilts. 30's have always been near to my heart and I just love them. Thanks for sharing!!
Wonderful show!! Thanks Kim!
What a fun '30s show! I'm always amazed that people made quilts like that without the helpful tools we have now. Thanks so much for sharing the pictures.
I am salivating over that Kansas City Star book.....I wish I had one.
It would have been so much fun to be there with you and see all of those lovely quilts in person. I'm so glad you shared all of those photos. Thanks Kim.
Thanks for sharing, Kim! I need to come to one of this gatherings now that I live out in these parts! Tell me when the next one is- I want to be there. Good luck with your MBS project.
Gosh Kim....these quilts really get the creative juices flowing...fantastic show of quilts!
Thank you for sharing. Lots of great quilts there. I was so inspired of the pictures.
Oh wow....those quilts are lovely, your post was informative and just eye catching...thanks for the show!!
Thanks for posting these awesome quilts. They are full of inspiration.
Your pics are waaaay better than mine. Well your camera is, too. Lovely. It was a fun night.
Thanks for sharing..
i like that "mini" grand mother's garden cute....
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