I want to THANK all of YOU for entering my Charmed Gift Bag Giveaway.
The response was phenomenal.
Here are the giveaway statistics just because it's fun.
Record number of comments on Moda Bake Shop as of this morning was 205! Wow! I was just hoping to break their record (at the time) of 91. I think this giveaway also increased quilter's awareness that Moda Bake Shop existed. Several people commented that it was their first time visiting the Bake Shop. So, this giveaway was a great way to increase their exposure as well as mine. Thanks for your help!
I had 181 comments but, my biggest giveaway generated 462 comments. That particular giveaway dominated my life for a week reading email after email and I learned a lot about what would work better for my next giveaway. That's how I developed my email template. With the information you send me I make a spreadsheet and create a number spread like 1-22 or 23-30 or 100-107 (just as an example) for each person that entered based on how many numbers you earned and then I used the Random Number Generator to pick two numbers. It has worked really well for me and keeps my giveaways manageable.
The total number of entires was a 171 bloggers/readers for a total of 2,560 entry points. With the majority of entrants earning 12 to 22 points. What a wonderful response. Thanks again!!
My followers increased from about 188 to 299. Thanks everyone for even wanting to follow me. It's a lot of fun and I look forward to checking out more of your blogs. It will take me a bit of time but I will get there. I appreciate all of you and hope you enjoyed this giveaway. I wish I could personally make a bag for everyone but that would be nearly impossible but, you do have a free pattern to make as many as you want and that is my GIFT to you. I go back to full-time work in just 20 days (less than 3 weeks). I just can't believe my summer is nearly over. School starts on August 20th.
I'm headed to our cities parade here in a few minutes so I will end with announcing the winners of this giveaway. The response was so much more than I expected so I'm going to pick two winners.
Drum Roll Please. . .
Winner #1 will win the Charmed Gift bag with a charm pack of Snippets and a treat of my choice
And Winner #1 is: Kim from Kim's Big Quilting Adventure. Congrats!!!!
Here are your random numbers: 1158 Timestamp: 2009-08-01 15:10:20 UTC
Winner #2 will win another made by me Charmed Gift Bag but with no charm pack (they're getting harder to come by) but a treat of my choice will be included.
And Winner #2 is: Jackie from Canton Village Quiltworks. Congrats!!!!
Here are your random numbers: 219 Timestamp: 2009-08-01 15:50:08 UTC
Have a great day!
I will be back later with pictures from our Great City's Celebration!
Thanks Kim! That was a lot of fun and I know a lot of work on your part :) Thanks for the wonderful pattern too!!! It's definitely a keeper :) Congratulations to Kim and Jackie :)
Hi Kim!!! Congrats to Kim and Jackie. Thanks for your mail, your giveaway and the free pattern.
Enjoy your Great City´s Celebrations and greetings to your family!!!
Wow..that was wild! How fun and congrats to your winners!!
Congrats to the winner. It was a pleasure to take part and I have found so many new blogs to follow by visiting your pages XXX
Oh I am so happy for the winners!! have a fun time today!
Thanks for doing this. And a big Congrats to the winners. (maybe next time it will be me! ha ha)
Congrats to the winners!!! And thank you Kim for hosting this giveaway♥x
Congrats to the winners! It was fun to participate.
Congratulations to both winners! Thank you for the opportunity to win something so special from you!
Oh my goodness! I'm flabbergasted! I can't believe I won, but there's my name right there! LOL! Thanks so much, Kim, for hosting a fantastic giveaway!
Woo Hoo!! I just got home from a long day on the road and I am sitting down to catch up on blogs and see that I am a winner!! Yay!! I am so excited to be receiving one of your bags. How cool is that!! Thank you soooooo much!!
Late to the party...the first week of school almost killed me....SO CUTE!!! I'm looking for a diaper bag pattern, keep your amazing quilting eye open for me!!
congratulations to the winners - so wonderful to receive one of Kim's prizes...
Congratulations to the winners. I am sure they are excited! Have a great weekend!
Is this where we throw our ticket down and walk away with our shoulders slumped.....
Congrats to the winners.
Wow.. impressing!! And congratulations Jackie and Kim... :o)) And thanks for the bag tutorail and the giveaway!!!
Congrats to Kim (the other one) and Jacquie!!
Congratulation for the winners!
Three of my very very favorite people. Kim, Kim and Jackie!!! I keep thinking if we were kids we could join hands and play ring around the rosie. Silly to think but that is what I thought of when I think of my good blog friends like you and them. I know. I'm a bit touched in the head!
I found you through the Moda Bake Shop and just wanted to say thank you for a lovely project!
What darling bags... and darling winners! WHoo hoo!
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