Here's my new Blog Button. It's been a long time coming but I finally found something that I'm proud of and willing to use to advertise my blog.
I'm still trying to figure out the html stuff and I can't get my picture to come up so I'm going about it another way. I've read a few blog posts about creating buttons but it's just not my expertise. So, I will continue to fumble in the dark and have a stab at it.
Wish me luck!
Here's my blog button and when you see it on the sidebar of my blog that mean's I succeeded! lol.
Update: I think I did it. You'll see my button on the sidebar! Yippee! I used this blog tutorial that really helped me out. Thanks to Somewhat Simple's Blog Post called Blogging 101-How to Make a Button
2nd Update: I got the dang button to work but it doesn't seem to link back to my page. HELP!!! If you can help me out then just give me a holler! I've followed the directions repeatedly to make sure I got it right. It looks right but doesn't want to link. I tested it on my family blog and it shows up just fine but doesn't link over. I finally resorted to adding a picture gadget and then adding the link.

I've been inspired by all of the Pincushion Jar's on Pinterest and when I found these jars at Hobby Lobby I knew I had to have them. They are the cutest shape and came in 4 sizes. I pick 3 of the 4 different sizes and took them home with me.
The metal tag I made using my dies and art metal. You can find a link to my blog post about how to do it and where to get the stuff you need to do it HERE. You can link to all four parts of the tutorial from there.
The biggest jar in the center is my little sewing kit jar and the smallest jar holds a few of my buttons. The medium jar holds my collection of HEART buttons.
Aren't they just adorable together?
I hope you enjoyed this Saturday Projects Post!
What have you been creating today?
Kim those are just adorable. Love your button too.
I love your bottles.Nice way to dress up a sewing room
Your bottles and labels are awesome! You should be able to attach a link on your design page. Go to layout and edit picture and attach link there!
I tried a button once and the same thing happened to me- i couldn't get the link to work. I am sure someone will give you a shout and let you know what is up :) but I LOVE love LOVE your jars! They are just another part of the amazingness and cuteness that is you! Have a great Sunday!
VERY cute Kim! I especially love that you used the pin fabric on pincushions!!!
Working on that huge modern quilt that's been sitting on my shoulders for two weeks! Your button is really pretty....hope you figure out the geek stuff soon. I'd offer to help but you'd be much worse off after!
I am grabbing my 40% coupon and on my way to Hobby Lobby! Love these jars. I have things in canning jars in my sewing room - these are cute - AND I must find the metal/letters to do this with! So cute!
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