
Friday, March 13, 2009


This is your inspiration for the Day! Go Create Something!


  1. Thanks for sharing that with us:)
    I love that talk...the whole thing is so inspiring. I've had it on my DVR ever since President Uchtdorf
    gave it(almost 6 months now) and I have listened to it several times.
    His words really spoke to me and have helped me alot....thanks again Kim.
    Have a great day creating- Lori

  2. Thanks Kim for the reminder. Sometimes I feel guilty for wanting to create things all of the time. It's nice to here it from a G.A. that it's OK.

  3. I love Pres. Uchdorf. I love that talk he gave. And last but not least, I love creating, even if no one else likes what I made, I still had fun creating it. I have an inward need to constantly be creating and sewing is the medium I choose and quilting is just the natural extension of that!!

  4. What inspiring words Kim, thanks so much for sharing them with us!!!

  5. Kim, I hope you don't mind, but I had to pass along the inspiring video on my blog.

    I think we were given talents that comfort as a gift from our Father.

    It's great that we can all share ideas and encouragement!

    Thanks for your posting!
