
Monday, December 29, 2008

Scrappy Kaleidoscope Tutorial

A few of you have been interested in the Kaleidoscope Quilt I had pictured in my last post. The 45 Degree Kaleidoscope Wedge Ruler can be hard to find but I've included a few links here and here so that you can RUN and buy one on line. You might also check with your local quilt shops as they might carry them or maybe they can order one for you. The copyright date printed on the ruler is 1988. So it's been around for a while.

I was able to get a few pictures online to show you what the ruler looks like. The pattern for the quilt is on the back of the package. What I did to tweak the pattern is a bit complicated to explain but I've included the class handouts I made a few years back. Hopefully, that will help you. I've also include pictures of some of the blocks I've made to give you some inspiration and help with fabric placement. It's a really fun pattern to make and looks way complicated. It's not a beginner pattern but if you've had some experience quilting, you'll do just fine.

45 degree Kaleidoscope Ruler
By Marilyn Doheny

Here's a look at the pattern on the back of the package.

Here's the Class Handout I gave to my students.
Just click on image to enlarge.

Here's a quick reference to minimize any confusion.
Click on image to enlarge.

First you'll want to pick some fabric.
Fabric # 1 Very Dark
Fabric #2 Medium-Dark
Fabric #3 Medium-Light
Fabric #4 Light

Cut the strips and sew them into strip sets of four strips per row from Very Dark to Light.

Then you'll want to cut the Kaleidoscope Wedges. The instructions are on the back of the ruler and it'll give you more details on how to do this. I'm sorry but, I don't like to infringe on copyright or I'd just give it to you. Thanks for your understanding.

Then you'll separate your wedges into four piles.
Refer to the Kaleidoscope Quick Reference Sheet above.

Take your wedges and sew then into pairs.

Sew the pairs into fours then sew the halves together like above.

Then you'll divide the blocks into two piles. Sew the four light corners to the four dark corner wedges.

And the four dark corners to the four light corner wedges.

This is a picture of the back of the block. Notice how all of the seams are spinning. This will give you a flatter center with the 8 seams converging in the middle. Very important. Again, the pattern gives you more details on pressing.

These are the leftover blocks from my quilt that's on my bed. I even made matching pillowcases.

Light Block.

Dark Block.

I made this quilt four years ago but never finished it. I guess I should put that on my list of things to do this year.

Dark Block.
I love these Moda fabrics.

Light Block.

Here's a close-up of the quilt.

This is a smaller version of the quilt I made that you'll see in the class handout.

This is my Halloween Spiderweb Quilt made using the Aunt Gracie prints from a few years back by Judie Rothermel for Marcus Brothers. It was part of her "Through the Year" Collection.

Here's the Christmas Kaleidoscope quilt.

Picture of the back of the Christmas Kaleidoscope. This is a fun way to use leftover blocks. I made it so when you turn down your bed you'll see this cute block. This is one of my favorite quilts that I've made over the years and each color combination is unique and beautiful.

Have fun with this tutorial and remember I would sure LOVE to see pictures of your quilts if anyone decides to make it.

Friday, December 26, 2008

Mrs. Santa's Workshop & More!

This is just a montage of some of the things I made this year and in year's past (pictures are in random order) along with a few pictures of what I've been doing with month along with pictures of my kids, my grand kids, lots of snow, some decorations and Christmas morning thrown in together.

I just felt badly that I didn't have more time this month to make proper and detailed postings. I hope you all understand. I'm sure you do. I've enjoyed visiting your blogs this past month and seeing all of your decorations, snow pictures, Christmas Projects, Christmas Parties, family pictures and traveling adventures. It's been a wonderful month and I'm so grateful for all of my blessings.

I hope you enjoy the pictures...

With Love from Mrs. Claus
(as my husband started calling me).

Christmas Morning Breakfast Buffet.
Breakfast quiche, fruit, hot chocolate, muffins, and orange juice.

Yum! Yum!

When my Daughter's Family arrived the driveway was blocked from the snow plows and we all had to get out there and shovel so they could park their car. Crazy snow everywhere!

My Son, Mark's helping shovel.

DD Ariel is out there helping too!

Like many of you across the country, we've been covered with snow!

Christmas Eve.
Me with my two middle kids.

Grandson playing with his new toy.

He's going to be an engineer or computer expert.

My Grandson.

Loving the presents!

My grand daughter.

Isn't she a cutie pie?

Here's a close-up of an ornament that my mother gave me from her tree. I really cherish this special ornament and each year we find a prominent spot on the Christmas tree so we can see it each time we look at the tree. It's over 50 years old now.

Here's a peek at the treacherous ice that has formed at our doorstep. I think I'll have to get some yellow caution tape to put up at our door. I finally knocked it down after taking a few pictures.

Here's a great picture my son took from our back patio.

Lots of Snow!

I made this pillow a few years ago as a project for an Enrichment Meeting at Church a few years ago and the quilt was made over 5 years ago.

The embroidery was a pattern and I used it to make this cute Christmas pillow.

This is one of two table runners I made for the R.S. Dinner we had a church. I did a post on the table decorations earlier this month but you couldn't see the table runners. So, here they are.

Mrs. Claus didn't go to bed until 2am on Christmas Eve night. I was busy finishing up my Christmas stockings for the family. I've had the same stockings for over 15 years and I was ready for a change. I also have some really cool embroidered and wool stockings I want to make that will take me a year or two to finish so in the mean time these are the ones we'll use. I also have two fire places so these will get used!

Another view of the stockings.

Thank you to Anna @ Thimbleanna , she inspired me to make these. I've made three for friends and plan on making some more. I think I'll make one of these for part of a belated birthday and blogiversary giveaway that I'll be doing. I'll be busy planning it for the early part of March, so00, Keep checking back!!!

I love this Mary Englebreit fabric.

Close-up of circular cut pinwheel.

I made FIVE of these aprons for my sister, sister-in-laws, daughter, and friend for Christmas.
I also made a different christmas apron for myself.

This pattern is called "Flirty Skirty."

This is my favorite scrappy Kaleidoscope Quilt that I made several years ago. It gets to sit on my dining room table at Christmas time each year.

A closer look.

This is a good look at the interlocking circles that create a secondary pattern. I taught this class several times and I've used this pattern in several other quilts using different colors and fabric.

This is a BUGGY BARN Christmas Tree Skirt.